[생글기자 코너] Greenflation, Challenge For The Environmentalist

입력 2022-05-16 10:00  

The term ‘greemflation’ means the insufficient production of energy and subsequent increase of the prices, which happens around the world. To give an example related to electric vehicles and nuclear power phase-out, if governments support those renewable energies then there will be significant rising of prices. To be specific, as more and more people start to adopt electric vehicles the meed of electricity required to meet the demand increases too.

What's important is that the increased want of electricity let power plants to generate larger amount of electricity, which indicates that governments have to expand facilities in order to generate electricity. There are two choices in macroscopic sight. One is to construct more nuclear power plants since it is a cheaper idea than other generating methods. Nevertheless, this cannot be selected since the purpose of electric vehicles is to protect the earth while nuclear power is such a dangerous energy source.

And the other choice is to adopt renewable energy production method such as solar pannels. Even though the second one is the best choice for our planet, it also causes prices to rise due to the inefficiency of green energy. It seems that this greenflation won’t be easily solved in a short moment, but still it is much beneficial for human beings in a long term in that it can preserve the earth.

노관우 생글기자(중국 연대한국학교 11학년)


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