[PRNewswire] Global Cybercrime Levels Reach All-Time High with a 45 Percent

입력 2017-08-18 16:33  

[PRNewswire] Global Cybercrime Levels Reach All-Time High with a 45 Percent

Rise in Attacks for the Asia Pacific Region, Reveals ThreatMetrix Report

-- Disruptive Media Streaming and Ridesharing Companies See Biggest Spike in Cybercrime

[편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해 어떠한 편집도 하지 않았음을 밝혀 드립니다.

(HONG KONG, Aug. 18, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) ThreatMetrix(R), The Digital Identity Company(R), today revealed that cybercrime attacks have reached their highest-ever levels, with 144 million attacks detected over the last 90 days. The Asia Pacific region has seen a 45% growth in cybercrime year-on-year. As attack levels rise globally, cybercriminals are increasingly targeting emerging digital business models, such as ridesharing apps and media streaming organisations, demonstrating the evolving nature of cybercrime.

The ThreatMetrix Q2 Cybercrime Report [https://www.threatmetrix.com/info/q2-2017-cybercrime-report/?utm_source=prweb&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=q2-2017-ccr ] revealed global cybercrime has risen nearly 100% since 2015. A key driver is the rise of new account origination fraud, which has risen 30% since last quarter. Stolen data off the back of security breaches is being used to apply for new loans or create banking and eCommerce accounts. It also being used to perform large-scale identity credential testing and attacks on less traditional industries. This is seen most dramatically among media companies, which have seen a 527% increase in new account origination attacks.

"Highly organised criminal gangs have set their sights on disruptive, mobile-heavy industries like media streaming and ridesharing. As new business models take the digital economy by storm, innovative methods of monetising stolen credentials found on the dark web are emerging," says Vanita Pandey, vice president of product marketing and strategy at ThreatMetrix. "With ridesharing apps, for instance, fraudsters are taking trips using stolen credit cards or propagating two-party fraud by using a fake driver account and 'accepting customers' using stolen credentials."

Key trends in Asia Pacific:

- 45% growth in cybercrime attacks since Q2 2016

- 80% growth in mobile transactions since Q2 2016

- Organised attacks from the region are primarily focused on account takeovers and payment fraud

- Highest global levels of device spoofing and identity spoofing attacks

- Japan joined the list of top five attack destinations for the first time

ThreatMetrix Q2 2017 Cybercrime Report -- download now [https://www.threatmetrix.com/info/q2-2017-cybercrime-report/?utm_source=prweb&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=q2-2017-ccr ]

About ThreatMetrix

ThreatMetrix(R), The Digital Identity Company(R), operates a global shared intelligence network to differentiate trusted customers from fraudsters. ThreatMetrix is recognised as the sole Leader in the 2017 Forrester Wave™ for risk-based authentication. Learn more at www.threatmetrix.com.

Media contacts

Ken Lam, Marketing Director, APAC


Tel: +852 6180 0905

Email: klam@threatmetrix.com

Silvia Wu


Tel: +852 3944 5015

Email: silvia.wu@teamlewis.com

Source: ThreatMetrix


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