Business Schools for the Asia-Pacific region
(SHANGHAI, Dec. 18, 2017 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The London-based Financial Times ("FT") released the 2017 Ranking of Business Schools for the Americas and Asia-Pacific on December 4 of this year. The Tongji University School of Economics and Management (Tongji SEM) ranked 8th in FT's inaugural Ranking of Business Schools for the Asia-Pacific region, placing the school among the top three business schools in Mainland China.
This newly released ranking was determined by assessing the quality and breadth of the business schools' academic materials, based on FT's 2017 rankings of Tongji SEM's four programs: MBA, EMBA, Masters in Management (MiM) and Executive Training, each accounting for 25 per cent of the total. The MiM program ranked 36th in this year's global ranking, serving as a representative for Greater China as one of the world's top-rated 50 programs for the second consecutive year. The Mannheim & Tongji Executive MBA program, which took part in the survey for the first time, placed 46th, earning the distinction of being the only Sino-German dual-degree EMBA program included in the list. The Mannheim & Tongji Executive MBA program was named as one of the ten best across three key indicators: career progress, international diversity of teaching staff and international course experience.
In addition to certifications from several international educational facilities rating authorities including the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Chinese Advanced Management Education Accreditation (CAMEA), Tongji SEM received favorable results in domestic and international rankings over the last few years, with the rankings constantly climbing with each new update, demonstrating the school's overall strength in talent development and comprehensiveness of the curriculum as well as its growing international influence. Tongji SEM plans to continue its focus on the ethical values that are part and parcel of the course material in tandem with the nurturing of the student's potential as future contributors to society. Further enhancements to the programs include comprehensively optimizing the teaching materials and methods and exploring new and emerging subjects for new courses that will be meaningful given the ongoing evolution of the business world, with the mission of sending into the world talented and creative individuals who will make a difference.
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Tongji SEM ranks 8th in the Financial Times' 2017 Ranking of Business Schools for the Asia-Pacific region
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Tongji SEM ranks 8th in the Financial Times' 2017 Ranking of Business Schools for the Asia-Pacific region
Source: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University
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