[PRNewswire] Lazada Selects Aspect Software as a Telephony Technology

입력 2018-01-03 10:14  

[PRNewswire] Lazada Selects Aspect Software as a Telephony Technology
Provider, Strategic Customer Engagement Partner in Asia Pacific

(SINGAPORE, Jan. 3, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Aspect Software, a leading provider of fully integrated consumer engagement solutions, today announces that Lazada, South East Asia's number one online shopping and selling destination, has partnered with Aspect to enhance Lazada's Customer Engagement technology. The company's investment will cater to its growing online customer base across six countries in Asia Pacific it currently serves. Lazada, founded in 2012 and now majority-owned by Alibaba, has seen a tremendous increase in traffic to its websites and mobile apps, and engagement with customers through various channels.

With millions of interactions and transactions being handled daily, the leading eCommerce firm recognized the need to arm itself with a robust and reliable contact center solution that can cater to multi-channel engagements with their consumers and be able to provide world class customer experience in a dynamic and socially-enabled world.

Lazada will deploy Aspect's Omni-channel Contact Center Solution - Aspect UIP 7.3 and Aspect Quality Management, for its sales & telemarketing team at six countries in Asia Pacific: Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia.

Aspect has a long history of expertise, from the first ACD in 1973, and today Aspect solutions power 1.4M Agents Worldwide & support 100+M Daily Customer Interactions.

"As an eCommerce platform handling millions of transactions every day, it is a priority for us to provide our customers in the region superb and quality customer engagement across channels and equip our agents with the right tools to be able to effectively handle the volume of engagement and transactions of the company. Thus, having to deploy a world-class omni-channel customer engagement solution is critical to ensure a superior customer experience. We are pleased to work with the team at Aspect and excited to continue to deliver a great customer experience in the region," said Brigitte Daubry, Lazada Group.

A 2016 report [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Bp4KT-W8RF4ZorPUthts8X-B7QHBhsEnY1T5G7XifU0/edit?pref=2&pli=1#slide=id.p ] co-authored by Google states Southeast Asia is the fastest growing internet region in the world, driven by a rapidly growing young population - 70% being under the age of 40. The report further forecasts that e-commerce in the region is on track to grow to reach $88 billion per year in 2025, up from $5.5 billion in 2015.

"It's a privilege to partner with Lazada, the leading eCommerce company in the region, to assist them in enhancing their customer engagement platform to meet the growing demands and preferences of their customers. Their selection of Aspect Unified IP and Quality Management show their confidence in Aspect's technology and their commitment to excellence in customer service and experience." said Richard Loberas, ASEAN & Korea Sales Head, Aspect Software.

About Lazada Group Lazada Group operates Lazada, Southeast Asia's number one online shopping and selling destination, with presence in Indonesia (www.lazada.co.id), Malaysia (www.lazada.com.my), the Philippines (www.lazada.com.ph), Singapore (www.lazada.sg), Thailand (www.lazada.co.th) and Vietnam (www.lazada.vn). 2 of 2 Launched in March 2012, Lazada is pioneering eCommerce in the region by providing customers with an effortless shopping experience with multiple payment methods including cash-on-delivery, extensive customer care and easy returns.

About Aspect
Aspect helps enterprises break down the walls between people, processes, systems and data sources, allowing organizations to unite around the customer journey. By developing fully native interaction management, workforce optimization and self-service capabilities within a single customer engagement center, we enable dynamic, conversational interactions and create a truly frictionless omni-channel customer experience. Leveraging the agility of our worldwide cloud infrastructure and over 40 years of industry ingenuity, Aspect conveniently and easily connects questions to answers while helping enterprises keep service levels high and operational costs contained. For more information, visit www.aspect.com

Follow Aspect on Twitter at @AspectSoftware. Read our blogs at http://blogs.aspect.com.

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Source: Aspect

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