[PRNewswire] HRG Robotics Teams up with GJG to Expand Sino-South Korea Robot

입력 2018-01-20 12:09  

[PRNewswire] HRG Robotics Teams up with GJG to Expand Sino-South Korea Robot

(HARBIN, China, Jan. 19, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) HIT Robot Group ("HRG Robotics" or "the Group"), one of China's leading robot manufacturers, teaming up with Golden Jumping Group (GJG), Heilongjiang-based high technology company, recently announced their cooperation with a range of Chinese and Korean local governments, research institutes and universities to expand robot business in both countries.

The announcement was made at the latest forum on robotics and AI held by HRG Robotics and GJG. According to the MOU signed at the forum, the two companies will establish a joint venture in Pohang, a city in the province of North Gyeongsang, South Korea. A new HRG Robotics' business base in South Korea is under planning.

Under the MOU, companies and research institutes including South Korea's POSTECH, Chonnam National University, and China's Harbin Institute of Technology will work together to help Korean companies to expand to China in the fields of robotics, medical hardware and biotechnology, and vice versa.

"It's my pleasure to have HRG Robotics to establish a base in our Panyo Techno Valley (an industrial complex in Pangyo, Seongnam, Gyeonggi) and team up with related companies in Gyeonggi Province to expand businesses in China," said Lee Jae Yul, Vice Governor of Gyeonggi Province. "I believe that China and Korea will lead 'the fourth industrial revolution' if we join hands and excel at core technologies and market expansion," he said.

"We hope that entrepreneurs and scholars from both countries will exchange ideas and find new room for cooperation in robot and AI industry," said Liu Hong, Assistant President of the Harbin Institute of Technology, "This will benefit both of us."

"Our cooperation with the Korean companies reflects our commitment to build up a global innovative entrepreneurial biosphere," said Wang Fei, President of HRG Robotics. "We aim to fulfill our vision of 'free humans, serve humans and create a more pleasant life' by pushing forward the development of robotic industry," he said.

The next forum jointly held by HRG Robotics and GJG will take place in Pohang in July.

About Golden Jumping Group (GJG)
Golden Jumping Group (GJG) was established in 2000 and based in Heilongjiang Province. The company focuses on high technology and alternative energy, has 10 subsidiary companies and more than one thousand employees. Its total assets worth 1 billion yuan. GJG's business also cover architectural development, project construction, to commercial merchandising and machining.

For more information, please visit: http://www.jinyuejituan.cn/english/index.asp

About HIT Robot Group
HIT Robot Group ("HRG Robotics" or "the Group"), founded in 2014, is a giant in China's high-tech robotics industry with a joint investment from the Heilongjiang provincial government, the Harbin municipal government and the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). The Group's major businesses include manufacturing of a range of robots and robotic equipment for different industries. The company is also a solution and service provider for technology companies. HRG Robotics has a presence in 13 major Chinese cities as well as offices in Washington D.C., California, Frankfurt, Seoul and Tokyo.

For more information, please visit: http://www.hitrobotgroup.com/en/

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180119/2036497-1
Representatives from HRG Robotics and GJG sign Memorandum of Understanding for further cooperation

Source: HIT Robot Group

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