[PRNewswire] Hisense was identified in "BrandZ Top 10 Chinese Global Brand

입력 2018-02-07 10:01  

[PRNewswire] Hisense was identified in "BrandZ Top 10 Chinese Global Brand

(BEIJING, Feb. 6, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) BrandZ Top 50 Chinese Global Brand Builders report was released today by WPP, in collaboration with Google. The report identifies and ranks 50 Chinese brands across nine categories based on their strength outside of China, and provides insights and recommendations for global brand building. Hisense ranked number 9th and won the "fastest growing electronics and home appliance brand" title. The report takes an in-depth look at the Chinese brands that are making an impact with consumers in international markets and provides a rich seam of thought-provoking insights on how Chinese companies can successfully build their brands on a global scale. This is the second time that WPP has collaborated with Google to launch the Brand Ranking, a survey that combines data from 7 countries and more than 395,000 consumers. BrandZ™ is the world's largest brand equity database, covering 53 countries, 120,000 brands and is the most authoritative brand valuation methodology worldwide.

Being one of "BrandZ Top 10 Chinese Global Brand Builders" is a result of Hisense's brand power and its global strategy. Up to now, Hisense owns 18 overseas companies in Europe, America, Africa, the Middle East, Australia and Southeast Asia. It has 3 overseas production bases to ensure its own supply chain and has 12 R&D institutions worldwide. In the "China National Image Global Survey" released by China International Publishing Group, Hisense was one of the "Top Ten most familiar Chinese brands to overseas citizens" for two consecutive years. The growth is in part due to the rapid pace at which China's electronics and home appliance business are pursuing global expansion, also a result of Hisense's stickiness to build its own brand awareness and persistence in global market.

Hisense Group's total sales revenue increased 10.7% in 2017 and overseas revenue increased 21.3%. The brand sales revenue of Hisense International increased 19.6% compared to last year. In the meantime, based on the customs statistics, Hisense's export sales of air conditioners and TVs increased by 28.3% and 34.4% separately. With the absence of significant changes in international demand, Hisense still maintained a rapid growth, which is a result of the brand effect.

The Belt and Road Initiative has been more than 3 years. Hisense's high-end products have played a key role in the overseas development of Hisense. The self-developed ULED technology, overseas operation system, excellent product performance and outstanding local supply chain have guaranteed Hisense to give effective and timely feedback to the market. 2018 FIFA World Cup™ is approaching. Hisense will move forward to not only build global brand but to build an innovative global brand with higher value, to drive the growth and global strategy with sports marketing. Hisense is at the forefront of electronics and home appliance industry, and its pursuit of new technology will fuel business growth and power its global brand awareness at an incredible pace.

Source: Hisense

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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