[PRNewswire] Experts Invited to Asia-Pacific Conference on Silicon Carbide

입력 2018-06-19 10:40  

[PRNewswire] Experts Invited to Asia-Pacific Conference on Silicon Carbide
and Related Materials (GaN, AlN, BN, Ga2O3, ZnO, diamonds, etc.)

-- Call for Papers from Other Researchers

(BEIJING, June 19, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The APCSCRM conference, which will be held July 9-12, 2018, invited well-known experts from the Asia-Pacific region to gather together to learn and exchange ideas and technologies in the areas of wide bandgap semiconductor material growth, device preparation and packaging, and device module applications. The following is a brief description of some invited experts:

NO. | Name | Report Title
1 | Manabu ARAI (New JRC, Japan) | Comprehensive Review of Widebandgap Semiconductor Devices
2 | Hsien-Chin CHIU (Chang Gung University, Taiwan) | Package and Module Development of Six-inch Silicon-based GaN Power and Microwave Devices
3 | Andy CHUANG (Episil Technologies Inc., Taiwan) | SiC Foundry Introduction from Episil
4 | Yasuto HIJIKATA (Saitama University, Japan) | A Macroscopic Simulation of the SiC Thermal Oxidation Process based on the Si and C Emission Model
5 | Noriyuki IWAMURO (University of Tsukuba, Japan) | Recent progress of SiC MOSFET Devices
6 | Guoyou LIU (Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co.,Ltd., China) | The Application Prospect of SiC Devices in Rail Transit
7 | Hideharu MATSUURA (Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan) | Electrical Characterizationof Wide Band-Gap Semiconductors Using Hall-effect Measurements
8 | Tokuyasu MIZUHARA (ROHM Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Japan) | Market Applications of Power Devices (SiC) ~ Characteristics and Applications of SiC Power Devices
9 | Yufeng QIU (Global Energy Internet Institute, China) | The Application of SiC Devices into Future Power Grid
10 | Guosheng SUN (Dongguan Tianyu Semiconductor Technology Co. Ltd., Institute of Semiconductors, CAS, China) | Review of Structures and Origins of Triangular-shaped Defects in 4H-SiC
11 | Xuhui WEN (Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS, China) | Technical Approaches towards Ultra-high Power Density SiC Inverter in Electric Vehicle Applications
12 | Q. Jon ZHANG (North Carolina State University, USA) | Current Status and Future Perspectives of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices and Applications

The conference is also dedicated to the submission of manuscripts for professional and technical personnel with wide band gaps in semiconductor materials, devices, and applications in universities, research institutes, and enterprises and institutions at home and abroad.

Submission instructions:

1. Submit draft via APCSCRM website:
(Submission Instructions: http://www.apcscrm2018.iawbs.com, submission )

2. Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2018.

3. Full paper submission deadline: July 31, 2018.

4. Please pay attention to the review status of the paper (APCSCRM online submission system).

Source: Innovation Association of Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Technology

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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