[PRNewswire] Digital and Social media emerges as the cost effective platform

입력 2018-06-25 09:46  

[PRNewswire] Digital and Social media emerges as the cost effective platform
for peer reviewed journal publication and dissemination

-- Subscription based scholarly publishing journals and indexing sites are disappearing gradually, told Pulsus CEO, Dr Srinubabu.

(LONDON, June 24, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Open Access publishing [https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access-publishing-groups.php ] is gaining popularity as the world is increasingly connected online today, facilitating archiving, indexing, data mining, retrieving, and speedy distribution of researched information. Open access publishing is producing a million articles annually, employing 25,000 - 30,000. The number of researchers and authors that are embracing open access forums is gradually catching up as 10% of researchers are adding each year to it and there are as many as 5.5 million authors contributing to open access forums today. No doubt, Open access publication is going to remain as the most favorable publication model in future as the subscription based publishing and indexing sites are disappearing gradually with scholars and scientists getting relevant information sources from Open Access Journals.

Majority of the funding agencies like WHO, EMBL, NIH, Welcometrust etc also made mandatory to publish their funded research in Open access journals. Out of $25 billion worth of publishing market consisting books and the other publications, Science, Technology and Medical (STM) scientific journals [https://www.omicsonline.org/scientific-journals.php ] alone share $12 billion in 2016. While the subscription based STM journal market got drastically decreased to $8 billion in 2016 ($12.5 billion in 2014), Open access STM journal publishing reached $900 million in 2017. These researchers are producing 2.5 million articles yearly, increasing the number of peer-reviewed articles [https://www.omicsonline.org/peer-reviewed-journals.php ] and researchers to 10% CAGR. "This situation warrants an urgent need for the cost effective digital media and journal/article metrics to serve the scientific community," says Dr. Srinubabu Gedela [http://www.thehansindia.com/posts/index/Andhra-Pradesh/2018-06-19/Food-processing-has-bright-future-CEO/390368 ], CEO of Pulsus and Omics International [https://www.omicsgroup.org/ ].

The online digital media's emergence has entirely changed the scientific publication scenario today by prioritizing the article impact factor/articles metrics, rather than the journal impact factor. The article's impact is counted based on the number of clicks to the article, views, downloads, shares, likes, online responses it could elicit and the number of times it is cited in the peer reviewed journals. Dr Srinubabu Gedela [https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/scientific-publisher-omics-scripts-major-expansion-plans-1000cr-investment/article10035789.ece ] told, Scholarly and the professional network platforms including ResearchGate, LinkedIn, GoogleScholar and the social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are playing crucial role in enhancing the article impact factor.

Pulsus is a health informatics and healthcare services company. Headquartered in Singapore, PULSUS employs 5000+ employees, across its offices in Pulsus-London [https://www.pulsus.com/contactus.html ], Pulsus-Chennai, Pulsus-Gurgaon, Pulsus Visakhapatnam and Pulsus-Hyderabad [https://www.omicsonline.org/pulsus-hyderabad.php ]

Contact: contact@pulsus.com +1-650-268-9744

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Source: Pulsus Group

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