[PRNewswire] The 7th AIP Will be Held from October 24-28, 2018 in Shanghai

입력 2018-08-28 11:33  

[PRNewswire] The 7th AIP Will be Held from October 24-28, 2018 in Shanghai

-- A Gateway to China's Printing Market

(SHANGHAI, Aug. 28, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Organized by The Printing Technology Association of China, China Academy of Printing Technology and Messe Dusseldorf (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., All in Print China (AIP) is one of the most influential exhibitions in China's printing industry.The 7th AIP (AIP 2018) will be held from October 24-28, 2018 in Shanghai with new theme: Enter the Era of Intelligent Printing. Its scale will once again hit a peak with exhibition area reaching 110,000 m2. More than 1,000 exhibitors will display their latest products and technologies under one roof. Confirmed exhibitors include: KOMORI, BOBST, SIEMENS, Epson, Ricoh, DuPont, KURZ, Bosch Rexroth, Esko, EFI, CRON, MIMAKI, Masterwork, etc. See more exhibitors at http://www.allinprint.com/c.aspx?id=367.

There will be 7 thematic pavilions in line with different popular topics, including pavilions for Digital Pre-Press Equipment, Comprehensive Printing, Post-press Converting, Packaging Equipment, Label Industry, Ink & Innovative Materials and Comprehensive Packaging. 3 highlight zones will also be set up, namely Innovation Factory, Customized Experience Zone and Intelligent Factory.

Exhibit Profile:
- Pre-Press Equipment
- Printing Equipment
- Post-Press and Packaging Converting Equipment
- Paper and Substrates
- Printing Ink
- Other Consumables
- Components and Infrastructure
- Services and Software
- Innovative Technologies

Visitor Profile:
- Commercial Printing, Newspaper Printing, Label Printing, Business Form, Book Printing
- Repro House, Publishing, Finishing, Paper Converting Companies
- Retailing and Manufacturing
- Advertising and Design Firms, Direct Marketing and PR Agencies
- Graphic Arts and Graphic Arts Specialists
- Paper and Envelope Manufacturers
- Paper Packaging, Flexible Packaging and Corrugated Carton Factory
- Multimedia and Internet Publishers
- Trade Publications
- Government Agencies and Financial Institutions
- Educational Establishments and Professional Bodies
- Relevant Trade Associations

AIP is a platform not only for displaying products and technologies, but also for information exchange. In AIP 2018, more than 40 forums and events of great value and influence will be held concurrently, including the 2018 International Packaging Printing Forum, the 2018 World Print & Communication Forum, the China Printing Summit, and more.

As an international event, previous AIP editions have attracted numerous trade visitors from around the globe. This year, it is expected to attract more than 100,000 trade visitors. Over 100 local buyer groups and around 30 international buyer groups will visit the show.

To visit AIP 2018 for free, please register at http://www.allinprint.com/c.aspx?id=351.

Media Contact:
Rita Chu

Source: The Organization Committee of The 7th All in Print China

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