[PRNewswire] Xi'an's Success in Poverty Relief Using E-Commerce to be

입력 2018-09-25 11:31  

[PRNewswire] Xi'an's Success in Poverty Relief Using E-Commerce to be
Replicated across APEC Nations

(XI'AN, China, Sept. 25, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The ancient Chinese city of Xi'an has played host to the 7th APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance Forum ("the Forum"), which was sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), China's Ministry of Commerce, and China International Electronic Commerce Center and endorsed by the APEC E-Commerce Business Alliance (APEC ECBA) and the government of Xi'an. The Xi'an E-Commerce Conference and Expo were also held.

The forum, focused on the theme of developing inclusive trade in the digital age, attracted more than 30 experts and academicians from 16 countries including the United States, Japan, Russia and Korea. Participants also include over 300 officials and entrepreneurs, such as experts from APEC ECBA, representatives from APEC members and leading e-commerce firms. The discussions centered around replicating the success of e-commerce models, accelerating economic integration in Asia-Pacific region, and promoting multilateralism and open economies.

Xi'an's poverty-relief model using e-commerce, which was introduced during the opening ceremony by Xi'an Vice Mayor Fang Guanghua, will be submitted to APEC in the name of APEC ECBA as an example of success to be promoted and replicated among APEC economies.

"Xi'an, the capital city of China's Shaanxi Province, has made great strides in helping the poor using e-commerce, creating a new growth model in the digital age," said Fang Guanghua, Xi'an's vice mayor. "This model, if copied across the region, could be a boon to millions of people who are struggling in abject poverty. This is a huge contribution that China can make towards building a better world for the entire human race."

In recent years, Xi'an has actively explored new ways to help the poor with e-commerce in a targeted, and effective manner. Several innovative "Xi'an models" have been created, such as promoting e-commerce in improved villages and poverty-stricken families, or seeking help also from enterprises or cooperatives. Acknowledging that some counties are lagging behind in e-commerce, but boasts products with characteristics, the Xi'an government implemented plans to develop e-commerce in rural areas in a bid to boost farmers' income. In this way, e-commerce becomes the new growth engine in the rural economy, and poverty relief becomes sustainable. With the help of Internet, poultry breeding becomes smart and data-driven, branding value is created, and Internet sales becomes regular, as Xi'an strives to slash poverty using innovative e-commerce models.

Participants at the Forum also shared their views on how to develop e-commerce in rural areas and communities, and how to establish common platforms to accelerate the upgrade of traditional industries and promote international coordination. They exchanged ideas from various perspectives, ranging from cooperation models in e-commerce, to talent cultivation and the setup of laws and regulations. Constructive suggestions were made, and experiences were shared in the application and development of e-commerce.

For more information, please visit: http://www.xian.gov.cn/ptl/def/def/index_1121_6774_ci_trid_2957895.html

Source: XI'an Municipal Government

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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