[PRNewswire] Narada Grid Scale BESS Inauguration Ceremony Held In Germany

입력 2018-09-26 07:04  

[PRNewswire] Narada Grid Scale BESS Inauguration Ceremony Held In Germany

(HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 25, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) On September 14th, an inauguration ceremony for Narada's frequency regulation energy storage PCR project phase I was held in Leipzig, Germany. The Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, Wang Weidong, ALABC Product and Sustainability Director, Dr. Alistair Davidson, and other guests, project partners, representative of Mitnetsz Grid Company of Germany, and Upside, and more than 70 representatives from power grid companies and media reporters from 11 countries attended the ceremony.

Wang Weidong congratulated Narada on its project's successful operation, and affirmed Narada's extreme pursuit of technology, research and product innovation.

Chen Bo, CEO of Narada, thanked the Chinese Embassy in Germany for their support of the project and the cooperation of the project partners in his speech. He said, "This frequency regulation energy storage PCR project is a symbol of transformation and of the development of Narada's new business.This Grid scale large BESS is Narada first investment + operation model project in the overseas market. Narada will take this opportunity to accelerate the promotion and application of the energy storage business in Europe and the global market."

The Technical General Manager of Mitnetsz, Dr. Schweer, and Dr. Rico Wojanowski, founder of Upside, also spoke at the ceremony. They think that their collaboration with Narada went very well, and they are confident that the solutions provided by Narada will encourage more cooperation in the future.

Afterwards, guests visited the project site and saw the safety of the system, its operation and grid-connected design. EDF, ENEL and other customers and representatives of ALABC gave high praise to the technology and quality of Narada.

The peak energy storage capacity of the initial construction capacity of Narada's frequency regulation energy storage PCR project can reach 25MWh, which can provide more than one month of power to 80 households per charge. This project has been reviewed and certified by the German power grid and has participated in the EU's power grid frequency auxiliary service. The second phase of the project has also begun construction.

For more information, please visit http://en.naradapower.com

Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co., Ltd

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180925/2247448-1-a
The Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Germany, Wang Weidong; and the President of Narada, Chen Bo

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180925/2247448-1-b
From left to right: Upside, Minister Wang Weidong, CEO Chen Bo, Mitnetz, Mr. Giess, and the GM of Narada’s Overseas Dept., Mrs. Alice Zheng

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180925/2247448-1-c
Project site

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180925/2247448-1-d
Narada, Mitnetz, Upside staff and guests

Source: Narada Power Source Co.,Ltd

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