[PRNewswire] The 3rd Ground Y Store is Now Opened at Narita Airport Terminal 1

입력 2018-09-28 14:01  

[PRNewswire] The 3rd Ground Y Store is Now Opened at Narita Airport Terminal 1

-- Limited Edition Graphic T-Shirt is also Available
-- Ground Y propose a new potential of fashion through Yohji Yamamoto Inc./creative team.
-- Introducing a new view of ageless, genderless style by bringing multifaceted elements to integrate the concept.

(TOKYO, Sept. 28, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Ground Y Store is now opened in the large duty-free shopping area inside Narita Airport Terminal 1, one of Tokyo's trendiest shopping areas. It is the 3rd store after GINZA SIX and LAFORET HARAJUKU. The store will present a wide variety of goods, including Ground Y's iconic graphic cut & sewn series, season-less wardrobes, and collaboration items with brands that synchronize with Ground Y concept. The store is named "Ground Y Lounge" with a wish that it will be a relaxing place like lounges for every visitor.

Store Information
Name: FaSoLa STARS TAX FREE "Ground Y Lounge"
Address: Narita Airport Terminal 1 Main Building 3F, Narita, Chiba (Area Beyond Outbound Passport Control)
TEL: +81-0120-191-625

Exclusively available T-shirts with the reverse graphic designs drawn by our designer, Yohji Yamamoto, with the kid's playful graphic of airplanes.

Price: JPY 15,000
Size: Small and Medium, 2 sizes

Ground Y GINZA SIX 4F, 6-10-1, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
TEL +81-03-6264-5165

Ground Y LAFORET HARAJUKU 1F, 1-11-6 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
TEL +81-03-6455-5277

THE SHOP YOHJI YAMAMOTO http://theshopyohjiyamamoto.jp/JP/shop/c/c20
Ground Y Official HP http://yohjiyamamoto.co.jp/groundy
Ground Y Official Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groundy.yohjiyamamoto
Ground Y Official Twitter https://twitter.com/ground_y
Ground Y Official Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ground_y_official

Narita Airport "FaSoLa STARS"
FaSoLa STARS is an area within Narita Airport that provides a collection of goods from high-brand cosmetics, fashion goods, household goods, souvenirs, etc. to TOKYO brand items that other airport terminals usually do not present. Located right in front of the seating area, FaSoLa STARS is a large duty-free shopping area with the vast opening spaces that represents today's Tokyo's trend with its collection of unique goods.

Press Contact / Yohji Yamamoto Press Room
E-mail yy-pr@yohjiyamamoto.co.jp

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180925/2247451-1-a
Ground Y Lounge

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180925/2247451-1-b
Ground Y

Source: Yohji Yamamoto Inc.

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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