[PRNewswire] Global Moutai Fans Festival 2018 Held with Great Fanfare in

입력 2018-10-03 23:06  

[PRNewswire] Global Moutai Fans Festival 2018 Held with Great Fanfare in
Chishui, China on September 30

-- Serving the Best Spirits to the World

(CHISHUI, China, Oct. 3, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The Global Moutai Fans Festival 2018 was successfully held in Chishui, China on September 30, 2018. Situated at the county-level city in Guizhou, the event was well received by fans, bringing together over 2,000 guests of all ages and walks of life from around the world. The number of guests attending this year's festival doubled in comparison with the attendance figures for the first edition of the event. Besides those who attended in person, many others from every corner of the globe who could not make it to the event all conveyed the message "We are Moutai Fans". In addition, Moutai loyalty medals were awarded at this year's event for the first time, further unifying and motivating Moutai fans.

Moutai - a symbol of culture and tradition

Moutai, a Chinese spirit with a history going back centuries, is not just an alcoholic beverage, but also a symbol of a culture and a tradition that describes itself through the aroma and taste rather than words. Connoisseurs of the beverage, who have now gotten a chance to know each other personally through their connection to the beverage, each have their own interpretation of what Moutai represents for them.

This cannot be explained by the traditional theory of market segmentation as described by Kweichow Moutai Group party committee secretary, chairman and general manager Li Baofang, "The company never attempts to define the consumers of Moutai."

On the many globetrotting roadshows that Moutai has engaged in over the years, the traveling delegation has always received a warm welcome from Moutai fans at each stop along the way, whether locally in the town of Zhenxiong at the mouth of the Chishui, in Dunhuang, the hometown of Buddhism mural art on the other side of China, or abroad, at the Cape of Good Hope in Africa or Sydney Cove in Australia.

Fans from around the world gathered as one Moutai family

High quality consumer products built with craftsmanship often excel in terms of appeal. Held every year on the last day of September, the Global Moutai Fans Festival assembles the world's Moutai fans in Chishui, providing a unique opportunity to celebrate the brand together.

The clock had not even struck 8 am on September 30, when 1915 Square was already crowded with fans of the popular drink. The denizens of the town of Moutai welcomed guests who strolled about its many streets and lanes and took in the sites, often expressing curiosity at what they saw. Many had come from the four corners of the globe, in several cases from far-flung countries. Some may have little contact with the Chinese culture perviously, but had nevertheless undertaken the long voyage, simply out of love for and appreciation of the distinctly Chinese beverage. The local inhabitants were surprised as they had never seen so many people coming from so many different cultures and backgrounds in their small town at one time.

At precisely 9 am, the opening ceremony commenced. "Moutai fans who love, acknowledge and share their passion for Moutai have become an integral part of the Moutai family," said chairman Li during his opening remarks, warmly welcoming the guests when he said "welcome home" and "thank you Moutai fans".

"Respecting and being thankful to Moutai fans have also become an important part of the Moutai culture as they have made significant contributions to the sustainable development of our brand," said Li. Every guest felt the sincerity of Mr. Li's words and that they were not uttered simply out of courtesy, as they are themselves not only the best Moutai storytellers, but also the best Moutai culture communicators.

At 9:50 am, the distinguished guests gathered around and, as a group, jointly poured Moutai into a specially-prepared bottle, setting of fireworks that lit up the morning sky above. "I've never felt so happy today as when the festival kicked off, providing a platform built on love and equal access for all Moutai fans, regardless of their age or social status," stated Mr. Li who wore a red T-shirt made especially for Moutai fans.

Savouring the taste of Moutai while giving back to the community

The Moutai Fans Festival is unique among similar events of its kind.

The festival included a variety of entertaining events for Moutai fans, culminating with the charity event at which the loyalty medals were awarded and the Moutai gala night that got underway just after 4 pm. The eye-catching Moutai loyalty medals, a symbol of the deep bond between Moutai fans and Moutai and a testament to their collective efforts, were personally awarded by senior executives of Kweichow Moutai Group. The auction for charitable causes offered a variety of items for sale with the proceeds to be used in a public-interest program designed to protect the ecological environment along the Chishui River.

The festival is not only an unforgettable annual event for Moutai fans, but also a platform through which Kweichow Moutai Group delivers on its responsibilities and connects with the myriad Moutai fans.

As Mr. Li said in his speech at the event, the festival has become a key platform through which Moutai fans connect and then reconnect as they deepen their friendships. The event has also become a unique symbol of the Moutai culture, with its initial mission of gathering of Moutai fans in Moutai's hometown, giving them an unmatched opportunity to taste and talk among themselves about their beloved drink. The ultimate aim is to continuously promote the further development of the Moutai philosophy "Aroma, Integrity and Harmony", and to be constantly adding vitality to the Moutai culture.

A number of distinguished guests attended the opening ceremony, including Renhuai mayor and municipal party committee deputy secretary Wang Nengke, Renhuai executive vice mayor Ran Yongjun, the town of Moutai party committee secretary Wang Tingyong as well as several members of Moutai Group top management including party committee secretary, chairman and general manager Li Baofang, party committee deputy secretary Wang Yan, party committee member and deputy general manager Zhang Deqin, party committee member, deputy general manager and chief accountant Yang Jianjun, party committee member and discipline inspection commission secretary Zuoma Cairang, party committee member and general counselor Liu Hanlin and Kweichow Moutai Company Limited deputy general managers Wan Bo, Wang Chonglin and Zhong Zhengqiang.

"The festival is not only an event where participants can enjoy premium Moutai but also a large gathering where Moutai fans can build on the friendships they have formed with other fans," said Wang Nengke, the Renhuai mayor, when delivering a speech at the ceremony. "Moutai fans from around the world gathered in the town of Moutai as a result of their passion for and gratefulness to Moutai. The Kweichow Moutai gathering provides Moutai fans with both a platform where they can share their success and an environment where they can become deeply immersed in the Moutai culture and spirit." On behalf of the 700,000 residents of the town of Moutai, Mr. Wang invited Moutai fans worldwide to come to the hometown of the brand not just once, but as often as they wish, and to visit the nearby town of Renhuai in addition to participating in the event.

About the Global Moutai Fans Festival
In October 2013, Kweichow Moutai Group launched a fan recruitment drive on its official Weibo account, followed by a series of fan events held in Beijing and Shanghai the following month. The drive and subsequent growth of a registered fan base culminated in the Global Moutai Fans Festival 2017, the first global gathering of lovers of the beverage following Kweichow Moutai Group's hosting of events in several Chinese cities, among them, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shanghai, followed by similar events abroad, in Japan, the US and Russia, in addition to other countries. In 2018, over 2,000 Moutai fans from around the world has gathered in the town of Moutai to taste Moutai and take part in various events during the festival.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181001/2253078-1-a
The opening ceremony of the second Global Moutai Fans Festival

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181001/2253078-1-b
Moutai fans rejoice with wild excitement

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181001/2253078-1-c
The festival show features a lineup bringing together not only Chinese performers but also acts from around the world, showcasing Moutai’s international image

Source: Kweichow Moutai Group

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