[PRNewswire] Nanfang Media Group debuts new micro-documentary showing expats'

입력 2018-10-26 09:59  

[PRNewswire] Nanfang Media Group debuts new micro-documentary showing expats'
daily life in Guangdong

(GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 25, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The 2018 Guangdong 21st Century Maritime Silk Road International Expo will convene from Oct 25th to 28th, marking a vital opportunity for the province to promote worldwide cultural exchange and commercial cooperation. A micro-documentary "Guangdong's Expats: A Day in the Life", produced by Nanfang Media Group, debuts at the expo, recording the daily life of 5 foreigners living in Guangdong.

Unlike most documentaries which focus on heroic exploits, "Guangdong's Expats: A Day in the Life" [http://www.newsgd.com/specials/GDexpatsettlers/content/2018-10/25/content_183795374.htm ], is the result of nearly 6 months of effort from Nanfang Media Group, one of the leading media groups in South China, aimed at sharing the life experiences of a wide range of individuals [http://www.newsgd.com/specials/talent/m/node_386773.htm ] and exploring their feelings about life changes during their stay in Guangdong.

Coming to Guangdong in 2012, Mauro Marchesan [http://www.newsgd.com/specials/GDexpatsettlers/content/2018-10/08/content_183574138.htm ], an Italian pilot from China Southern Airlines, has realized his dream of learning Kung Fu. He became an apprentice of a Wing Chun master in Foshan and started learning the martial art.

Brazilian striker Alan Garvaloh [http://www.newsgd.com/news/2018-08/16/content_182951175.htm ] has played in nearly one hundred competitions and won eight championships for Guangzhou Evergrande since January 2015. It is in this beautiful South China city that Alan and his family welcomed their second child.

Graduating from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Abraham Nick Morse came to be the chief of the urogynecology department in Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center in 2016.

Aly Baby [http://www.newsgd.com/livingingd/2018-08/01/content_182785528.htm ], a Malian who has been living in China for 8 years, is working in cross-border e-commerce in Guangzhou after his graduation from Jinan University, which is currently the Chinese university with the largest number of international students.

Lincoln Lam, a Singaporean chef, came to Guangdong seeking a challenge two years ago. Initially devoting himself to studying Cantonese Cuisine, he is now the executive chef at Guangzhou Ritz Carlton Hotel.

In the past 40 years since China's Reform and Opening Up [https://file27ce5306cd0c.aiwall.com/v3/idea/ih1meVZG ], many foreigners have come to live in Guangdong. As of June 2018, there are 110,000 expats registered in the province.

As a modern international location, Guangdong province is famous for its openness, inclusiveness, diversification and convenient facilities for trade. More and more foreigners are attracted to live and work here. They've been creating a legendary life and working towards a brighter future with Guangdong.

Video - http://cdn4.prnasia.com/002071/mnr/video/Guangdong_20181025.mp4

Source: Nanfang Media Group

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