[PRNewswire] JNA Awards unveils list of partners for 2019

입력 2018-10-30 11:08  

[PRNewswire] JNA Awards unveils list of partners for 2019

(HONG KONG, Oct. 30, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Industry powerhouses Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group, Shanghai Diamond Exchange and DANAT continue to lead JNA Awards as Headline Partners in 2019, with KGK Group, Shanghai Gems & Jade Exchange (CSGJE) and Guangdong Land Holdings Limited (GDLAND) as Honoured Partners.

To view the full multimedia release, click here: https://www.prnasia.com/mnr/jna_201810.shtml

The JNA Awards is one of the most influential platforms and awards programmes in the international jewellery and gemstone industry. The partnership signing ceremony was held in Hong Kong on 17 September.

Letitia Chow, Chairperson of the JNA Awards, Founder of JNA and Director of Business Development -- Jewellery Group at UBM Asia, shared at the signing ceremony, "We are honoured to be able to work with partners who share the same vision and commitment to promoting the advancement of the industry together."

"As an industry pioneer, Chow Tai Fook takes pride in supporting the JNA Awards as a Headline Partner for eight consecutive years. We believe that sustainability is our priority. Through the collaboration, we are able to strive together and drive prosperous developments that contribute to the greater success of the jewellery industry," said Kent Wong, Managing Director of Chow Tai Fook.

Lin Qiang, President and Managing Director of SDE remarked, "SDE has had the privilege of witnessing the birth of the Awards from scratch and the overwhelming challenges it has conquered to become a remarkable awards programme for the trade. SDE will continue to work closely with the Awards team to bring this great Awards to a new level."

Kenneth Scarratt, CEO of DANAT shared, "It is an honour to be a Headline Partner of the JNA Awards for 2019 and to have the opportunity to promote DANAT and the Kingdom of Bahrain to global leaders of the gem and jewellery industry on this elite platform. It is important the community works hard to continually elevate the practices and standards of this fine industry."

"Teaming up with the JNA Awards has been an overwhelming experience. The Awards provides a platform for the community to celebrate and collaborate with enterprises and individuals manifest excellent management techniques, innovative approaches and socially responsible strategies. The Awards will surely attain greater heights in coming years," shared Sanjay Kothari, Vice Chairman of the KGK Group.

Simon Chan, Co-Founder, Member of the Board and Executive Vice President of CSGJE said, "2019 is a year of innovation and development for the gemstone industry in China. CSGJE hopes that by collaborating with the Awards, we will drive the advancement of the industry, and further spread awareness on innovations in the international jewellery community."

"GDLAND is looking forward to cooperating with JNA Awards for the sixth consecutive year in 2019. Together with the Awards, we would like to explore and create opportunities for the jewellery industry, to promote positive transformation in the industry," Liu Zheng, Deputy General Manager of GDLAND concluded.

For more information:

JNA Awards Marketing
UBM Asia (Hong Kong)

Photo: https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20181024/2277935-1-a
Partners showed steadfast support for JNA Awards 2019. From left: Sanjay Kothari, Vice Chairman of KGK Group; Kent Wong, Managing Director of Chow Tai Fook; Wolfram Diener, Senior Vice President of UBM Asia; Letitia Chow, Chairperson of the JNA Awards, Founder of JNA and Director of Business Development - Jewellery Group at UBM Asia; Kenneth Scarratt, CEO of DANAT; Lin Qiang, President and Managing Director of SDE; and Simon Chan, Co-Founder, Member of the Board and Executive Vice President of CSGJE

Photo: https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20181024/2277935-1-b
The JNA Awards 2018 Ceremony and Gala Dinner was successfully held on 17 September, with 16 Recipients being honoured across 13 categories. Close to 500 industry leaders and elites from around the world attended the event.

Photo: https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20181024/2277935-1-c
Honourees marched in to the JNA Awards 2018 Gala Dinner to share their achievements and happiness with their peers from the trade

Photo: https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20181024/2277935-1-d
Most prestigious awards for the international jewellery and gemstone industry

Logo: https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20181024/2277935-1LOGO
Logo: https://photos.prnasia.com/prnvar/20170222/8521701055LOGO

Source: JNA

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