[PRNewswire] Approved by UFI, AWE 2019 continues

입력 2018-11-06 09:34  

[PRNewswire] Approved by UFI, AWE 2019 continues
to deliver craftsmanship and quality

(SHANGHAI, Nov. 5, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Hosted by China Household Electrical Appliances Association, AWE was approved by the Global Association of Exhibition Industry as a UFI Approved International Event in September 2018. As the only approved show of the Asian-Pacific region in the category of home appliances and consumer electronics, AWE was recognized by this global authority in scale, history, global influence and commercial value.

Appliances & electronics World Expo (AWE) took only 25 years to catch up with established global exhibitions that have a history of more than half a century. This speed is amazingly fast. Always trying to improve, AWE sped up, changing from a biennial event to an annual one, while expanding its portfolio from home appliances to include more technology fields to witness technological changes and foresee industry directions.

Going global on a fast pace, AWE will join hands with AMK, German Modern Kitchen Association, to put up a show under the theme of "Future Living" along with more than ten members of AMK as a group including MHK, Kessebohmer, Hettich, Naber, Schott, Dein-Konfigurator , Vauth-Sagel, Ninka, Carat and nobilia at AWE 2019.

As the Chinese market grows fast and experiences a critical transformation, Chinese consumers, particularly the rising middle class, go beyond traditional individual kitchen appliances to pursue high-end, customized, built-in kitchen appliances as a way of improving life quality. It's safe to say that the modern kitchen has great potential to be unleashed in China. Delivering the highest level of manufacturing in ovens, steamers, built-in kitchen appliances and integrated kitchens, German-made appliances combine functions with aesthetics, meeting the demand of Chinese consumers in a perfect way.

The participation of leading German cabinet makers and appliance makers such as nobilia at AWE 2019 attests not only to their determination to expand in the Chinese market with their cutting-edge products and advanced technologies but also AWE's position as a global platform for industry players to establish high-quality home experience and do strategic promotions with its ideal scenarios, users and interactive environment.

Please save the date and apply for the free tickets at awe.com.cn.

Thomas Wang

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181105/2289249-1

Source: China Household Electrical Appliances Association

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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