[PRNewswire] WISE Awards 2019 - Submissions Now Open for Impactful Education

입력 2018-11-07 01:49  

[PRNewswire] WISE Awards 2019 - Submissions Now Open for Impactful Education

-- Submission deadline: 13.00 GMT, January 15, 2019

(DOHA, Qatar, November 6, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The World Innovation Summit for Education has opened the submission period for the 2019 WISE Awards.

Applications and nominations for the 2019 WISE Awards can be submitted from today until 13.00 GMT, January 15, 2019.

(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/779869/WISE_Logo.jpg )

Each year, the WISE Awards recognize innovative and impactful initiatives addressing today's most urgent education challenges. Past WISE Awards projects have tackled diverse issues in education, including access and inclusion, design and ecosystems, digital and multimedia, society and workforce, youth employment and more.

Submissions are judged according to strict criteria. They must show innovation, have a clear development plan, be financially stable, scalable and replicable. They must also demonstrate a transformative impact on individuals, communities and society.

During the course of 2019, a panel of independent judges will select 12 WISE Awards finalist projects. An independent evaluator will conduct an on sight due diligence for the 12 finalists, and the six winning projects are then selected from this pool by a panel of judges.

The finalists and winners gain global visibility and opportunities to collaborate through various platforms, including the global Summit and WISE events across the world, WISE communications and publications. They also receive $20,000 (US).

Applications and nominations for the 2019 WISE Awards can be submitted online at: https://programs.wise.org.qa/

Visit the WISE Awards webpage: https://www.wise-qatar.org/wise-awards

About the WISE Awards:
Since 2009, WISE has received over 3,200 applications from more than 150 countries. To date, 60 projects from a wide variety of sectors and locations have won the WISE Awards for their innovation, positive contribution and potential for scalability and adaptability. These projects represent a growing resource of expertise and sound education practice.

About the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE):
The World Innovation Summit for Education was established by Qatar Foundation in 2009 under the leadership of its Chairperson, Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser. WISE is an international, multi-sectoral platform for creative, evidence-based thinking, debate, and purposeful action in education. Through the biennial summit, collaborative research and a range of on-going programs, WISE is a global reference in new approaches to education.

The next WISE event will be WISE@Paris, a regional gathering in France, on February 20-21, 2019, under the theme "Education Futures: Fostering Learning Societies."

For further information about WISE, visit http://www.wise-qatar.org

Press contact: Lina Lahlou, WISE - media@wise.org.qa

Source: WISE

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