[PRNewswire] ZTE Takes the Lead in Completing IMT-2020 Third Phase 5G Core

입력 2019-01-08 09:20  

[PRNewswire] ZTE Takes the Lead in Completing IMT-2020 Third Phase 5G Core
Network Test

(SHENZHEN, China, Jan. 7, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) ZTE Corporation (0763.HK) (000063.SZ), a major international provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer technology solutions for the Mobile Internet, takes the lead in completing IMT-2020 third phase 5G test for core network performance stability and security function, fully verifying the maturity of ZTE's 5G core network.

The test involves the performance of the NFVI platform, the service performance of 5G core network element single/multi virtual machine deployment, as well as system capacity and stability.

ZTE's system, including NFV platform and 5GC core function network elements, is deployed on the general server platform, and interfaces with third party instruments in accordance with the requirement of the service model. The company passes all the test cases, and the test results meet the requirement of the service model and specification indicators.

The security function test focuses on the device identity management and registration, as well as the security service procedure in mobility. ZTE's system successfully passes all the mandatory test cases.

ZTE's latest version of 5G core network is developed in compliance with 3GPP Release-15 specifications released in September 2018. By adopting SBA, micro-service components and network slicing, ZTE's 5G core network can achieve flexible and agile service innovation.

By means of the separation of service logic and data, ZTE's 5G core network can improve service reliability and user experiences. Moreover, it enables the minute-level deployment through flexible service scheduling.

"It is another significant breakthrough following ZTE's completion of the SA architecture function test in September 2018," said Liu Jianhua, general manager of ZTE's Telecom Cloud and Core Network Products. "ZTE will actively support and cooperate with Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to help the 5G industry grow mature and embrace the arrival of the 5G era."

Under the guidance of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, IMT-2020 (5G) Promotion Group initiated the third phase of 5G R&D tests in November 2017, aiming at continuously improving the 5G technological R&D capability and promoting the maturity of the 5G industry.

In addition to the completion of IMT-2020 third phase 5G core network test, ZTE also completed the world's first end-to-end connection between 5G device and system, based on 3.5 GHz NSA networking, by virtue of ZTE's 5G prototype smartphones.

Furthermore, ZTE and China Telecom completed the world's first 4G and 5G network interoperability test under the SA architecture. In collaboration with Tianjin Unicom and Port of Tianjin, ZTE released 5G&MEC smart port industry applications.

About ZTE
ZTE is a provider of advanced telecommunications systems, mobile devices, and enterprise technology solutions to consumers, carriers, companies and public sector customers. As part of ZTE's strategy, the company is committed to providing customers with integrated end-to-end innovations to deliver excellence and value as the telecommunications and information technology sectors converge. Listed in the stock exchanges of Hong Kong and Shenzhen (H share stock code: 0763.HK / A share stock code: 000063.SZ), ZTE's products and services are sold to over 500 operators in more than 160 countries. ZTE commits 10 per cent of its annual revenue to research and development and has leadership roles in international standard-setting organizations. ZTE is committed to corporate social responsibility and is a member of the UN Global Compact. For more information, please visit www.zte.com.cn.

Media Contacts:
Margaret Ma
ZTE Corporation
Tel: +86 755 26775189
Email: ma.gaili@zte.com.cn

Source: ZTE Corporation

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