[PRNewswire] Unicorn company of high-precision map in China might overrun

입력 2019-01-13 18:00  

[PRNewswire] Unicorn company of high-precision map in China might overrun
Autonomous Driving industry in Europe and America

(LAS VEGAS, Jan. 12, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Over the past 2018, the global autonomous driving industry experienced fierce competition. The two key words in the autonomous driving industry was mass production and industry structure change. At CES 2019, autonomous driving is still a hot topic, and major manufacturers are showing their latest and most advanced technologies. Among them, Chinese enterprises are showing their strong technology and advantages to their counterparts in Europe and the United States.

To achieve autonomous driving, High-definition Maps and the self-positioning module are indispensable. In China, newly established innovative technology startups have become the leader in the development of high-precision maps. At CES 2019, thanks to its profound technical accumulation, strong technical originality and rich experience, Kuandeng Technology from China has changed the data collection, measuring, and drawing methodology used by traditional mapping companies. Through continuous technical iteration, the company completed accurate and abundant map data production, quality inspection and update, and made breakthroughs in the bottleneck of high-precision map mass production. China's autonomous driving might soon overrun European countries and the United States.

The main products of Kuandeng Technology include pre-installed high-definition maps, high precision localization, and crowdsourcing map Cloud Solution. On the one hand, Kuandeng Technology adopted a vision-focused survey mode, and solved the contradiction problem between high precision and low cost. It made crowdsourcing and real-time update possible and overcame the industry pain points in the field of autonomous driving. On the other hand, the new map processing technology based on artificial intelligence subverted the traditional map production mode and broke through the bottleneck in large-scale map production.

It is said that this artificial intelligence technology can automatically produce high precision and rich featured maps. Moreover, the number of survey units of Kuandeng Technology is increasing, and the coverage will gradually expend to more specific and complex roads.

So far, Kuandeng has more than 20 map Survey vehicle engaged in large scale acquisitions in China, and it is expected that there will be more than 50 map Survey vehicle by the first quarter of 2019.

Related Links: http://www.kuandeng.com

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190112/2345390-1
Unicorn company of high-precision map in China might overrun Autonomous Driving industry in Europe and America

Source: Kuandeng

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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