[PRNewswire] Winner Micro releases their new SDK for IoT Wi-Fi SoC W600 which

입력 2019-01-18 11:00  

[PRNewswire] Winner Micro releases their new SDK for IoT Wi-Fi SoC W600 which
will shake the IoT market

(BEIJING, Jan. 17, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Winner Micro, an IC design company from Beijing, recently released their new SDK for IoT Wi-Fi SoC W600. The new SDK supports compiling and debugging with Eclipse + IDE + GCC + OpenOCD as well as MicroPython. Currently, IoT Wi-Fi SoC is widely used in smart homes, smart appliances, health care, smart toys and industry. Winner Micro's new Wi-Fi SoC W600 was released in 2018 and this small chipset will shake the global IoT marketing in 2019.

W600 is a new generation IoT Wi-Fi SoC which supports the 2.4G IEEE802.11b/g/n standard. The chipset is a 5mm x 5mm QFN32 package. W600 has very high integration and rich features. It has a high cost performance and competitiveness. W600 integrates a Cortex-M3 CPU processor, 1MByte Flash, 288KByte SRAM, RF Transceiver, PA, baseband, power management circuit and multiple digital interfaces (UART@2Mbps, high speed SPI, I2C, I2S, PWM x 5, GPIO and 7816). It also provides multiple hardware encryption and decryption protocols (PRNG/ SHA1/ MD5/ RC4/ DES/ 3DES/ AES/ CRC/RSA). Because W600 is a highly integrated chipset, very few circuit devices are needed for the chipset's peripherals. Developers can design a small size Wi-Fi module easily (Winner Micro's reference module can be designed in 10mm x 12mm).

In terms of software, W600 not only provides AT+ commands for the master MCU, but also provides embedded SDK platform based on FreeRTOS. W600 SDK includes hardware driver, Wi-Fi protocol, TCP/IP protocol, network application protocol and rich demo codes. The SDK supports IEEE802.11b/g/n standard with the frequency 2.4GHz. It supports STA, AP and AP/STA modes and multiple TCP/IP protocols such as TCP, DUP, ICMP, DHCP, DNS, DHCP Server, DNS Server, HTTP Client, HTTP Server, IPERF, etc. In the network application layer, it supports Socket, m-DNS, web socket, SSL Server, SSL Client, etc. W600 SDK also provides multiple types of network configuration modes such as smart config, OneShot (Winner Micro's own configuration mode), AP mode, Web configuration, and AirKiss (Configuration by WeChat). All the software, hardware design files, development documents and tools can be download from Winner Micro's official website (www.winnermicro.com). Customers or developers can also send emails to info@winnermicro.com to contact Winner Micro.

Source: Winner Micro

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