[PRNewswire] Vivo's Elevating Front Camera is a Game Changer

입력 2019-01-24 14:49  

[PRNewswire] Vivo's Elevating Front Camera is a Game Changer

(SHENZHEN, China, Jan. 23, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Vivo has had a fantastic year of launching true innovations in 2018. The company has recently published a video [https://www.facebook.com/vivoMobileInt/videos/2584825254867132 ] to showcase its industry-leading innovative solution -- the Elevating Front Camera.

In the past, brands have tried shaving the side bezels and minimizing the size of the notch to achieve a full-screen display, but still the notch remains. For Vivo, it started to explore ways to breakthrough this status quo, aiming to create a bezel-less phone display experience for the consumers.

After years of researching and testing various designs, Vivo presented the APEX(TM) FullView(TM) concept smartphone with the iconic Elevating Front Camera at MWC 2018. The challenge for Vivo, was then to turn this concept phone, into a reality.

Just 4 months after the debut at MWC, Vivo delivered its promise to make the bezel-less dream come true with NEX - the first mass-produced smartphone with an Elevating Front Camera. This is a small periscopic camera that pops up when taking selfies, and retracts automatically when the user exits selfie mode. The true bezel-less phone was finally achieved.

Vivo has rewritten the rules of the smartphone industry by completely scraping the notch with this groundbreaking invention. With such an impressive technology now made available to consumers, Vivo is sure to take the Elevating Front Camera a step further in 2019.

Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190123/2354452-1-logo
Vivo logo

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190123/2354452-1
Captured from Vivo's video about Elevating Front Camera

Source: Vivo

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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