[PRNewswire] Manufacturing World Japan 2019 is Coming Back

입력 2019-01-28 17:34  

[PRNewswire] Manufacturing World Japan 2019 is Coming Back

-- World's leading manufacturing show with 1,530 exhibitors & 80,000 visitors expected

(TOKYO, Jan. 28, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd., the largest trade show organiser in Japan announced that Manufacturing World Japan 2019 is coming back at Tokyo Big Sight from February 6 - 8, 2019.

Feature 1: Covering the Whole Manufacturing Industry!

Manufacturing World Japan 2019 is the world's leading trade show for the whole manufacturing industry. This year 80,000 professional visitors and 1,530 exhibitors are expected across 7 shows including 4 NEW ones. Here you can see all kinds of materials/components & technologies for manufacturing, subcontracting services & motion/motor technologies, "AI/IoT" & 3D/VR technologies/solutions for manufacturing industry, 3D printing technologies & additive manufacturing, etc. For more details: https://www.japan-mfg.jp/en-gb.html

Feature 2: Best platform to experience the world's latest and cutting-edge technologies!

The requirements for quality from Japanese manufacturers are well known as extremely high, all exhibitors will exhibit their latest products/technologies/solutions with all their efforts. If you would like to see the finest skills of metal processing/micro fabrication, or have a trouble with your production which you have been struggling for a long time to fix, you should not miss this show.

Feature 3: World's Major Companies Gather under One Roof!

Many major companies from all around the world are exhibiting in Manufacturing World Japan 2019. They are unveiling the world's latest technologies/products which are "Must-See" for all professionals working in manufacturing industry. Don't miss this opportunity to catch up with the world's latest solutions for manufacturing!

Feature 4: Conference by Top Leaders!

Keynotes & Special Sessions will be held concurrently during the show. Top industry leaders from global leading companies such as MAZDA MOTOR, OLYMPUS, HONDA, BOSCH, NIKON, FUJI XEROX, KONICA MINOLTA, SUBARU MOTOR, PANASONIC, FUJITSU, IBM JAPAN etc. will reveal their latest topics for manufacturing innovation, IoT technology, smart factory, IT strategy for manufacturing industry, etc.

Manufacturing World Japan 2019 is inarguably a must-attend show for every person working in manufacturing industry!

For visitor ticket or more information about Manufacturing World Japan 2019, please visit official website: https://www.japan-mfg.jp/en-gb.html

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190125/2356968-1
Scenes from 2018 Show.

Organiser: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.
Manufacturing World Show Management
Yifan WANG (Ms.)
TEL: +81-3-3349-8506

Source: Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd.

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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