[PRNewswire] QQ Music 2018 Year End Charts are released, K-pop's global

입력 2019-01-31 15:10  

[PRNewswire] QQ Music 2018 Year End Charts are released, K-pop's global
influence continues to soar

(CHENGDU, China, Jan. 31, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) China's leading online music platform QQ Music released its 2018 Year End Charts on Jan 28th. iKon, a hip-hop band under YG Entertainment Inc, has become the most popular South Korean band in China. Its album Return released in January 2018 has become the most popular Korean album in China, and its title song "Love Scenario" has surpassed many Chinese songs and ranked No.1 on the TOP10 of QQ Music Annual Peak Songs.

Bigbang, YG's predecessor, is also on the list. FLOWER ROAD became the "Best selling Korean digital album in 2018" in China with 1.59 million sales, reaching 790 million won.

In recent years, many South Korea artists such as the Winner, GOT7, BlackPink and so on have gained many fans in China. Chinese QQ Music played an important role in popularizing K-pop, and its Year End Charts represent the attention of the Chinese digital music platform to South Korean music and love of Chinese fans for Korean artists. It is hoped that K-pop will bring more surprises to fans in 2019.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190128/2358197-1
QQ Music 2018 Year End Charts is released, K-pop's global influence continues to soar

Source: QQ Music

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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