[PRNewswire] Haier Home Appliances to Introduce Upgraded COSMOPlat Empowered

입력 2019-04-01 13:12  

[PRNewswire] Haier Home Appliances to Introduce Upgraded COSMOPlat Empowered
with 5G Technology at Hannover Messe

(HANNOVER, Germany, April 1, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Haier, the world's tailored life solution manufacturer, will highlight an upgraded edition of COSMOPlat, the world's largest mass customization solution platform, at Hannover Messe 2019 from April 1 to 5 in Hannover, Germany.

Visitors will be able to experience Haier COSMOPlat latest products and technologies at Hannover Messe, including the first-ever embedded with 5G technology mass customization virtual testing demonstration, smart motorhome manufactured in the COSMO ecosystem, customized coffee machines, anti-static ceramics and more.

Haier is transforming from a traditional appliances manufacturer to a lifestyle brand that can help customers define their own lifestyles by getting involved in the entire product design and planning. As a member of World Economic Forum's (WEF) network of "Manufacturing Lighthouses," Haier will co-host Lighthouse Factory Forum with Bosch, Pheonix Contact and other leading manufacturers from WEF Lighthouse Factory list on the opening day of Hannover Messe, which will be attended by industry-leading experts including Francisco Betti, lead of the WEF Future of Production initiative.

Haier will share its experience in industrial transformation and creating opportunities with more Lighthouse factories to aid the upgrading of the manufacturing industry.

The Lighthouse program is a community of leading manufacturing facilities that are adopting and integrating the cutting-edge technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Mass Customization with COSMOPlat

COSMOPlat is China's top industrial internet platform with intellectual property rights. It's the first of its kind to applying COSMOPlat to multiple industries engage users throughout the customization process and has developed 15 sub-platforms such as building ceramics and motor homes within the ecosystem of the industry.

The core of COSMOPlat is a mass customization model that centers on user experience. Compared to traditional manufacturing models, COSMOPlat invites customers to engage in every step to deliver products and services that best meet customers' needs. At the same time, the platform also creates demand to maximize the benefits for every party to achieve win-win results.

Haier's COSMOPlat now covers 12 demonstration bases in six regions across eastern and northern China. It's also been introduced in 20 countries worldwide to provide better lifestyle experiences for global customers in areas of food, clothing, transportation, health, education and more.

Haier strives to develop a cross-industry ecosystem with the capability of mass customizing products and social services. It will push forward the company's transformation from mass manufacturing to mass customization.

Haier will be at booth E30 in Hall 6 of the Hannover Exhibition Grounds (Messegelande Hannover).

About Haier
Haier Home Appliance is the world's No. 1 home appliance brand, with a 10.5% global market share. Its brands include Haier, Casarte, and Leader in China, GE Appliances in the US, Fisher & Paykel in New Zealand, and AQUA in Japan. Aiming to provide interconnected smart home experience for customers everywhere, Haier continuously enhances its products and services while making the transition to an open entrepreneurship platform.

For more information, visit: http://www.haier.net/en

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418715-1
Haier Home Appliances to Introduce Upgraded COSMOPlat Empowered with 5G Technology at Hannover Messe

Source: Haier Home Appliances

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