[PRNewswire] Offshore Wind Power Majors to Attend CMT's OWP Japan in Tokyo

입력 2019-04-02 09:50  

[PRNewswire] Offshore Wind Power Majors to Attend CMT's OWP Japan in Tokyo
this May

(TOKYO, April 2, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) CMT's OWP Japan (Offshore Wind Power) summit in Tokyo on 15-17 May 2019, zooms in on Japan's emerging offshore wind power market - bidding and government targets, cost reduction strategies, latest advancement in floating wind technologies and more.

Japan is looking into offshore wind power to decarbonize its economy by 2050. CMT's OWP Japan will track upcoming offshore wind power projects via presentations by Orsted - 'Unlocking Japan's Offshore Wind Potential [https://www.cmtevents.com/aboutevent.aspx?ev=190507&pu=279643 ]', Renova on its 'Commitment to Renewable Energy & IPP Prospects' and Nagasaki Prefectural Government presenting 'Nagasaki's Efforts to Establish a Marine Based Renewable Energy Industry'.

A detailed overview of APAC's offshore wind market - new additions in grid-connected capacity in the next decade, planned offshore projects, wind prices -will be addressed by Wood Mackenzie.

Taiwan's experience and success stories in developing offshore wind power projects will be explored in a session by Eiger Law, while Northland Powerwill shareinsights on 'Creating the Supply Chain - Needs & Opportunities in the North Asian Market'. In addition, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partnerswill present their perspective on 'Constructing a Successful Offshore Wind Partnership & Supply Chain in Japan', while Baker & McKenziewill moderate a Panel Discussion on 'Prospects of Asian Offshore Wind Industry'.

Japan's fast emerging OWP market can draw lessons on cost reduction from experiences in the UK and Europe as UK-based Carbon Trustdelivers a talk on 'Cost-Reduction in Europe (Successful Case Study) & Relevance for the Japanese market'. In addition, Wood Mackenzie shares their perspective on 'Global Offshore Wind [https://www.cmtevents.com/aboutevent.aspx?ev=190507&pu=279643 ] Industry Technology & Cost Reduction'.

The legal and financial aspects of OWP projects are covered in sessions on:

- Japanese Offshore Wind Law & FIT Scheme - Baker & McKenzie
- Financing Offshore Wind Power [https://www.cmtevents.com/aboutevent.aspx?ev=190507&pu=279643 ] in Japan - Perspective of Japanese Financial Institutions - Development Bank of Japan
- Financing Offshore Wind in Japan: Similarities & Differences - Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking

Organized by Centre for Management Technology (CMT), the program also features 'Status & Perspectives in Japan's Floating Offshore Wind' by Equinor ASA and 'Floating Offshore Wind, Lessons Learnt from a French Pilot Farm Development & Road to Commercialization' by EOLFI. The summit's exhibitors are Fugro, EKO and EOLFI.

View event website [https://www.cmtevents.com/aboutevent.aspx?ev=190507&pu=279643 ] or contact Ms. Hafizah at hafizah@cmtsp.com.sg or call +65 6346 9218 for more details.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190329/2418504-1
OWP Japan (Offshore Wind Power)

Source: Centre for Management Technology (CMT)

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