[PRNewswire] Wirecard and SoftBank Intend to Form Large-scale Strategic

입력 2019-04-24 16:49  

[PRNewswire] Wirecard and SoftBank Intend to Form Large-scale Strategic
Partnership for Digital Payment Solutions

- Proposal for a SoftBank company to invest approximately EUR 900m[1] in Wirecard via convertible bonds
- Companies to partner to unlock collaboration opportunities in digital payments, data-analytics/AI and innovative digital financial services within SoftBank's ecosystem of portfolio companies
- SoftBank to support Wirecard's launch into the Japanese and South Korean markets

(ASCHHEIM, Germany, April 24, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Today Wirecard AG (Wirecard) and SoftBank Group Corp., Japan, have signed a binding term sheet under which an affiliate of SoftBank (SoftBank) shall invest approximately EUR 900 million in Wirecard via a convertible bond mechanism.

For this purpose, Wirecard shall issue convertible bonds with a term of five years exclusively to SoftBank, convertible to 6,923,076 ordinary Wirecard shares (currently corresponding to approximately 5.6% of common stock) at EUR 130 per Wirecard share. The intended issuance of convertible bonds, under exclusion of subscription rights, is subject to the approval of Wirecard's Annual Shareholders meeting to be held on 18 June 2019.

In connection with the investment, the parties have also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on a strategic partnership for digital payment solutions. Under the MoU, SoftBank Group will seek to support Wirecard's geographic expansion into Japan and South Korea, as well as providing collaboration opportunities within SoftBank Group's global portfolio in digital payments, data-analytics/AI and other innovative digital financial services.

It is anticipated that the partnership will also extend to joint exploration of new product and service offers in digital lending in order to leverage from high quality customer portfolios, strong liquidity and other innovative financing solutions.

Markus Braun, CEO at Wirecard, commented, "As global innovators, we focus heavily on expanding our networks and creating opportunities for companies with groundbreaking ideas. In SoftBank we have found a partner that shares both our passion for new technologies and drive to spearhead the latest innovations, all on a global scale. In addition, through this potential partnership, we will expand our reach and products to the East Asian markets, thereby further strengthening our position in Asia."

Credit Suisse is serving as financial adviser to SoftBank and Sullivan & Cromwell LLP as legal adviser. Noerr LLP and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP are serving as legal advisers to Wirecard.

About Wirecard:
Wirecard (GER: WDI) is one of the world's fastest growing digital platforms in the area of financial commerce. We provide both business customers and consumers with a constantly expanding ecosystem of real-time value-added services built around innovative digital payments by using an integrated B2B2C approach. This ecosystem concentrates on the areas payment & risk, retail & transaction banking, loyalty & couponing, data analytics & conversion rate enhancement in all sales channels (online, mobile, ePOS). Wirecard operates regulated financial institutions in several key markets and holds issuing and acquiring licenses from all major payment and card networks. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DAX and TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060). Visit us on www.wirecard.com, follow us on Twitter @wirecard and on Facebook @wirecardgroup.

[1] Intended issuance is subject to the approval of Wirecard's Annual Shareholder meeting

Wirecard contacts:

Investor Relations
Iris Stoeckl
Tel.: +49(0)89-4424-1424
Email: iris.stoeckl@wirecard.com

Media Relations
Jana Tilz
Tel.: +49(0)89-4424-1363
Email: jana.tilz@wirecard.com

Source: Wirecard AG

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