[PRNewswire] KJK Sports, Baltic Bicycle Trade UAB 지분 100% 매입 계약 체결

입력 2019-07-01 17:29  

[PRNewswire] KJK Sports, Baltic Bicycle Trade UAB 지분 100% 매입 계약 체결

(룩셈부르크 2019년 7월 1일 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) KJK Fund III S.C.A. SICAV-RAIF(집합적으로 "KJK")가 Baltic Bicycle Trade UAB 지분 100%를 매입하고자 덴마크의 Asgaard A/S 및 리투아니아의 Litcapital I와 확정 계약을 체결했다고 발표했다. KJK는 KJK Management SA의 자문을 받으며, 룩셈부르크 기반의 완전소유 운동기구투자 자회사인 KJK Sports를 통해 사업을 영위한다. Baltic Bicycle Trade UAB는 리투아니아 Siauliai에 위치한 Baltik Vairas, 빌뉴스에 위치하며 KJK의 법률과 금융 자문으로 활동하는 COBALT Law Firm와 EY, 빌뉴스에 위치하며 판매자의 법률과 금융 자문으로 활동하는 TGS Baltic과 Swedbank Investment Banking의 모회사다. 이 거래는 공정경쟁에 따라 올 3분기에 완료될 예정이다.

KJK 소개. 2018년에 설립된 KJK Fund III S.C.A. SICAV-RAIF는 발칸 반도와 발트해 지역에 집중한 2.50억 유로 규모의 사모 펀드다. 2010년에 설립된 KJK Management SA는 룩셈부르크 기반의 대안투자펀드 관리업체다. KJK Management에 관한 추가 정보는 www.kjkmanagement.com을 참조한다. 룩셈부르크에 위치한 KJK Sports는 Elan d.o.o. (동계 스포츠와 항해), Tahe Outdoors(동계 스포츠) 및 Leader 96(자전거)에 대한 기존 투자를 바탕으로 활발한 야외운동기구 부문에 집중하는 운동기구 지주회사다.

로고 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/930946/KJK_Sports_Logo.jpg

출처: KJK Sports

KJK Sports Announces the Signing of an Agreement for the Purchase of 100% of Baltic Bicycle Trade UAB

LUXEMBOURG, July 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- KJK Fund III S.C.A. SICAV-RAIF, as advised by KJK Management SA, and acting through its wholly-owned Luxembourg-based sporting goods investment company, KJK Sports (all together "KJK"), is pleased to announce that it has signed a definitive agreement with Asgaard A/S from Denmark and Litcapital I from Lithuania for the purchase of 100% of the shares of Baltic Bicycle Trade UAB, the parent company of Baltik Vairas based in Siauliai, Lithuania. COBALT Law Firm and EY, both based in Vilnius, acted as legal and financial advisors for KJK. TGS Baltic and Swedbank Investment Banking, both based in Vilnius, acted as legal and financial advisors for the Sellers. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter of 2019, pending competition clearance.

ABOUT KJK. KJK Fund III S.C.A. SICAV-RAIF, launched in 2018, is a EUR 250 million private equity fund focused on the Balkan and Baltic regions. KJK Management SA is a Luxembourg-based Alternative Investment Fund Manager founded in 2010. For more information about KJK Management, please visit www.kjkmanagement.com. KJK Sports is a Luxembourg-based sporting goods holding company focused on the active outdoor sporting goods segment with existing investments in Elan d.o.o. (winter sports and sailing), Tahe Outdoors (water sports) and Leader 96 (bicycles).

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/930946/KJK_Sports_Logo.jpg

Source: KJK Sports

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