[PRNewswire] Nissan's ProPILOT golf ball turns every driver into a pro

입력 2019-08-28 10:30  

[PRNewswire] Nissan's ProPILOT golf ball turns every driver into a pro

-- Inspired by the new ProPILOT 2.0 driver assistance system, concept helps enthusiasts reach their goal every time

(YOKOHAMA, Japan, Aug. 27, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Nissan has taken the dreaded "putting nerves" out of golf.

The concept is inspired by Nissan's ProPILOT 2.0 driver assistance technology, set to debut on the new Nissan Skyline [https://global.nissannews.com/en/releases/190716-01-e?source=nng ] next month in Japan. Designed for on-ramp to off-ramp (ramp-to-ramp) highway driving[1], ProPILOT 2.0 engages with the vehicle's navigation system to help maneuver the car according to a predefined route on designated roadways. The system is the first in the world to combine this with hands-off driving capability while cruising in a single lane.[2]

Similar to the Skyline's ProPILOT 2.0 advanced technology, the ProPILOT golf ball supports golfers by following a predefined route to its goal. Players can feel confident that they will reach their target effortlessly on each putt. Using technology influenced by Nissan Intelligent Mobility - the company's vision for how cars are powered, driven and integrated into society - the ball navigates its way across the green and into the cup on the first putt, providing a stress-free golf experience.

An overhead camera detects the position of the ball and cup. When the ball is hit, a monitoring system calculates the correct route based on the ball's movement and adjusts its trajectory. Combining sensing technology with an internal electric motor, the ProPILOT golf ball stays on route until reaching the cup - making even novice golfers, of all ages, feel like pros.

Nissan's ProPILOT golf ball is the latest in a series of concepts inspired by Nissan Intelligent Mobility technologies. Previous examples include the Intelligent Parking Chair [https://global.nissannews.com/en/releases/160215-01-e ], the ProPILOT Chair [https://global.nissannews.com/en/releases/160927-02-e ] and the ProPILOT Park Ryokan (featuring self-parking slippers [https://global.nissannews.com/en/releases/180125-01-e ])

Visitors can try out the ProPILOT golf ball from Aug. 29 through Sept. 1 at the Nissan Global Headquarters Gallery in Yokohama. The demonstration is available from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Concept Video: https://youtu.be/ZWtoDRsWgkk
Concept Video (Twitter): https://twitter.com/NissanJP/status/1164371764756901889

[1] A national expressway as prescribed by the National Expressway Act. A limited highway as prescribed by the Road Act.

[2] The hands-off feature is not available on roads that have two-way traffic, in tunnels, on winding roads, in tollgate areas, merging lanes, or areas with a decreasing number of lanes, and in areas where manual control is required. When entering a road section where hands-off driving is not available, the system will alert the driver in advance so the driver can take manual control of steering.

About Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.
Nissan is a global full-line vehicle manufacturer that sells more than 60 models under the Nissan, INFINITI and Datsun brands. In fiscal year 2018, the company sold 5.52 million vehicles globally, generating revenue of 11.6 trillion yen. Nissan's global headquarters in Yokohama, Japan, manages operations in six regions: Asia & Oceania; Africa, the Middle East & India; China; Europe; Latin America; and North America. Nissan has partnered with French manufacturer Renault since 1999 and acquired a 34% stake in Mitsubishi Motors in 2016. The Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance sold 10.76 million vehicles combined in calendar year 2018.

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Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190827/2562542-1
ProPilot Golf Ball

Source: Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.

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