[PRNewswire] 15-Hour Flight Time - MMC UAV Launches New Record-Breaking

입력 2019-09-21 09:35  

[PRNewswire] 15-Hour Flight Time - MMC UAV Launches New Record-Breaking

(SHENZHEN, China, Sept. 20, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) MMC UAV launched its new hydrone Griflion H, with a record-breaking 15-hour flight time on September 17, 2019 in Germany during the InterGEO 2019, the world's largest geoinformation fair. It is a hydrogen-powered vertical take-off and landing drone with an integrated design and MMC-developed hydrogen fuel battery with great stability.

15-Hour Flight Time for Enhanced Mission Efficiency

The highlight of Griflion H is the extended flight time thanks to its high-efficiency metal bipolar plate hydrogen fuel cell with a maximum hydrogen storage capacity of 27L. Its flight time reached a record-breaking 15 hours without payload and 10 hours with a 3kg payload while most drones in market merely have a maximum 2-hour flight time. In mapping practice, the mission is usually interrupted by multiple take-offs and landings in different spots and hence lower efficiency. The extended flight time of Griflion H greatly improves mission efficiency. Other features include convenient operation, high security, wide coverage, zero emissions and low noise. Coupled with different payloads, it provides solutions for global customers in areas like surveying and mapping, rescue, security & protection, border scouting and forest scouting.

Industrial-chain Products with Integrated Design

As one of the few companies capable of industrial chain integration and independent research and development, MMC UAV has developed its own hydrogen power system including hydrogen battery, hydrogen cylinder, pressure reducing valve, hydrogen compressor, and hydrogen generator.

MMC UAV launched the world's first hydrogen-powered multirotor -- HyDrone 1800 with 273-minute flight time back in 2016. Griflion H has undergone overall upgrades and now has an established hydrogen fuel system that broke its own flight time record. The integrated design tightens the connection among drone, fuel cell and payload.

About MMC
MMC UAV is a leading industrial UAV manufacturer that is devoted to producing high-performance UAV products. It has established industrial chain product portfolio including drone, airframe, power system, flight control, image transmission, ground control station and tailors best UAV solutions as well as OEM and ODM services for global customers in areas like inspection, public safety, search & rescue, surveying & mapping, environmental protection and many more so they can work in greater safety, with higher efficiency and by lower cost.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190920/2587365-1-a
Griflion H at InterGEO 2019

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190920/2587365-1-b
MMC UAV Industrial Chain Product Portfolio

Source: MMC UAV

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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