[PRNewswire] NEXCOM's NSA7146 Also a Verified Intel Select Solution for

입력 2019-10-14 17:25  

[PRNewswire] NEXCOM's NSA7146 Also a Verified Intel Select Solution for
Visual Cloud Delivery Network (CDN).

(TAIPEI, Oct. 14, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) NEXCOM is excited to announce that its NSA 7146 data center appliance is now a Verified Intel(R) Select Solution for Visual Cloud Delivery Network (CDN [http://www.nexcom.com/Products/network-and-communication-solutions/cyber-security-solutions/rackmount-x86-based-performance-appliance ]), in addition to its recent Intel(R) verification for NFVI. The scalable technology saves time and costs with maximum throughput and consistent latency, combined with lower energy consumption.

As an Intel(R) Select Solution for Visual Cloud Delivery Network, NSA 7146 ensures CommSPs confidence in providing high performing and cost efficient next-generation CDN services. NSA7146 utilizes an optimized hardware design, based on the 2nd-generation Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold processor, that incorporates the most common open source CDN caching frameworks, such as NGINX and Apache Traffic Server (ATS). It integrates open source media libraries such as FFmpeg, Media Service Studio, and Scalable Video Technology for superior media transcoding performance in IP HTTP/HTTPs handling, video transcoding, and video distribution.

Since customers demand consistent real-time content, NSA 7146 also utilizes Intel(R) technologies, including the SSD Data Center Family, QAT, and Ethernet 700 Series Network Adapters, as well as non-uniform memory access (NUMA)-balanced I/O, to guarantee that CDN servers have high throughput and low latency. This solution is optimized for live streaming, live transcoding, and VOD applications, enabling customers to effortlessly perform a variety of tasks.

According to Allan Chiu, VP of the Network and Communication Solutions group's ODM unit, "Reports show that by 2024, video will account for around 74% of mobile data traffic. With the development of 5G networks, it will bring demand for CDN deployment to provide better video service with low latency. NEXCOM launched NSA7146, a Verified Intel(R) Select Solution for vCDN, to help customers build CDN infrastructure in a 5G world."

NEXCOM was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Taipei. Integrating diverse capabilities, NEXCOM operates six global businesses, including the Network and Communication Solutions (NCS) unit, which focuses on high performance computing and network technology and is committed to helping customers build network infrastructure. NCS' network application platform is widely adopted in CDN, UTM, Cyber Security Appliance [http://www.nexcom.com/Products/network-and-communication-solutions/cyber-security-solutions/rackmount-x86-based-performance-appliance ], Load Balancer, Router, SD-WAN, and other network applications.

Source: NEXCOM

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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