[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: 2nd International Green Energy Development

입력 2019-10-17 17:26  

[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: 2nd International Green Energy Development
Conference held in east China's Yangzhong

(NANJING, China, Oct. 17, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The second International Green Energy Development Conference (IGEDC) Wednesday kicked off in Yangzhong, east China's Jiangsu Province, themed on global green energy application and urban high-quality development for this year.

The conference was sponsored by China Economic Information Service (CEIS), China Photovoltaic Industry Association and Renewable Energy Specialized Committee of China Energy Research Society, among other institutions.

Attended by experts and entrepreneurs from home and abroad, the conference aims to explore and showcase the latest technologies and practical cases in green energy application, and build an international cooperation platform.

"The first IGEDC was successfully held in Yangzhong in 2017, and the city's practice has set a model in global green energy development, urban green transformation and ecological civilization construction," said Shi Zhengrong, chairman of the conference organizing committee and academician of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.

Attending experts believe developing green energy is not only a crucial way for the international society to cope with energy deficiency but also a strategic choice for China to enhance environment protection, ensure energy security and upgrade energy structure.

Xu Yuchang, chairman and president of CEIS, said that visionary people and responsible countries in the world are attaching greater importance to green energy development, and the green energy industry's future will be even brighter.

Green development has become a business card for Yangzhong. The city is committed to green development and has formed its own path where green industry is guided by green development, and green consumption has started to benefit the green city, said Yin Min, secretary of the CPC Yangzhong Municipal Committee.

Yangzhong aims to realize zero coal consumption on the main island and 100 percent green residential power consumption by 2020, and achieve zero coal consumption in the whole city and 100 percent renewable energy with zero carbon-dioxide emission by 2030.

This year's conference is composed of a main forum and three sub-forums respectively on international cooperation in green energy along the Belt and Road, artificial intelligence facilitation for sustainable and complementary development between fish farm/agriculture and photovoltaic power generation, and energy Internet.

During the conference, CEIS released the Annual Development Report of Global Green Energy Applications and the Report on Belt and Road Green Energy Investment Environment (2019).

See the original link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/308819.html

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191017/2614090-1
2nd International Green Energy Development Conference held in E China's Yangzhong

Source: Xinhua Silk Road Information Service

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