[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: China's iconic sedan brand Hongqi sparkles at

입력 2019-11-27 13:28  

[PRNewswire] Xinhua Silk Road: China's iconic sedan brand Hongqi sparkles at
Third NEXT Summit (Dubai 2019)

(DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Nov. 27, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Hongqi, an iconic sedan brand under China's leading automaker FAW Group, is making a sparkling appearance at the Third NEXT Summit (Dubai 2019) held in Dubai. It is the chief partner and the only official vehicle of the summit.

Arriving in Dubai last month, 20 Hongqi cars are in service for the summit.

Hongqi vehicles are well received in Dubai for its fashionable design and large interior space, which cater to the needs of the Arab market and bring consumers comfortable travel experience, according to local drivers and government officials.

Hongqi first came to Dubai in last December, with its H5 and H7 series provoking excitement among the public. So far, 202 Hongqi vehicles have been put in use in Dubai, and additional 1,500 will be added to the market in 2020. To better serve users in Dubai, a local service center and an exhibition hall have been set up.

As Dubai is the trade and logistics center of the Gulf region, the entry of Hongqi into this market will function as a springboard for the Chinese brand to enter the Middle East market, according to industry insiders.

Aiming to become a market-oriented international brand attractive to the young people, Hongqi has been actively going global. It brought the self-designed and self-made supercar S9 and all-electric SUV concept E115 to the International Motor Show held in Frankfurt in September, and showed up in the Dubai International Motor Show also held in Dubai earlier this month.

To make further innovation for broader development, Hongqi has built an international R&D team of 5,000 researchers, and has its global R&D headquarter in Changchun, China, with the technology innovation research center, new energy research institute, designing research branch and artificial intelligence R&D center located respectively in Beijing, Shanghai, Munich and the Silicon Valley.

Hongqi, literally meaning "red flag", was established in 1958 and has been used as the vehicle for parades at national celebrations. It is a brand under FAW, the first automaker in China established in 1953. FAW's brands also include Jiefang and Besturn.

Original link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/309609.html

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191126/2654436-1
Hongqi vehicle shows up at the Third NEXT Summit (Dubai 2019), as the chief partner and the only official vehicle.

Source: Xinhua Silk Road Information Service

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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