[PRNewswire] Bigo Live 'Global BIGOer One World Together' brings together

입력 2020-05-19 10:05  

[PRNewswire] Bigo Live 'Global BIGOer One World Together' brings together
3.7million people from 150 countries to raise funds for WHO Solidarity Response Fund

-- The "Global BIGOer One World Together" fundraising campaign witnessed 3.7 million viewers coming together on 14 May 2020 to support the fight against COVID-19.
-- US$100,000 was raised through a 24-hour campaign and all funds raised will be donated to the World Health Organisation's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund
-- The fundraiser is part of a larger series of campaigns organised by Bigo Live to raise global awareness on COVID-19 while spreading positivity within the community

(SEOUL, South Korea, May 18, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Bigo Live, a global leading live streaming platform, has raised a total of US$100,000 in donations through its 'Global BIGOer One World Together' campaign. All proceeds raised will be donated to the World Health Organisation (WHO)'s Solidarity Response Fund [https://covid19responsefund.org/ ] by BIGO Technology, the parent company of Bigo Live.

'Global BIGOer One World Together' saw more than 3.7 million viewers across the globe tuning into Bigo Live's music livehouse and participate in the fundraising. The livehouse featured performances by close to 100 broadcasters in over 20 countries.

Mike Ong, Vice President of BIGO Technology said, "Music is a universal language, it transcends cultures and borders to spread the message of comfort, hope and unity - something the world needs most during these trying times. We wanted to bring the world together to support each other through this crisis through 'Global BIGOer One World Together', and the response has been overwhelming. We are really heartened to see the global Bigo Live community rallying to contribute to the cause however they can. Every bit makes a difference and we are humbled to do our part."

A global cast of talented singers and musicians from countries across Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East and the United States performed in a 24-hour music livehouse. Broadcasters included (Bigo Live ID) shinjulee90, c.u.ni and songasu.

Besides the live musical performances, the event also featured a #UnitedatBIGO, where tributes were paid to healthcare professionals and frontline workers who have led the fight against COVID-19. A specially commissioned music video with over 100 Bigo Live broadcasters performing a cover of the Michael Jackson hit "We are the world [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf_nBnqaJ1Q ]" was also released as part of the campaign.

"We are glad that Bigo Live is able to give back and support our frontline healthcare professionals and affected communities. As a global platform that connects and brings people together, it is part of our continued effort and commitment to contribute to the fight against COVID-19 while also bringing positivity and joy to our users around the world during this emotional period. We sincerely thank all participating Bigo Live broadcasters and our users for making this event a sounding success," Mike added.

Since the start of the outbreak, Bigo Live has organised various efforts to raise awareness about COVID-19 and bring happiness to people around the world. Besides the 'Global BIGOer One World Together' campaign, Bigo Live has also launched a #STAYATBIGO campaign featuring sharing sessions with healthcare professionals, performances by local music DJs and workouts by fitness enthusiasts to help local communities stay fit and healthy at home. Additionally, Bigo Live was the first to launch cloud clubbing, a virtual live stream music experience, to communities in Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

About Bigo Live
Bigo Live is one of the world's fastest-growing livestreaming social communities where users broadcast in real-time to share life moments, showcase their talents and interact with people from around the world. Bigo Live has around 400 million users in over 150 countries and is currently the market leader in the livestreaming industry. Launched in March 2016, Bigo Live is owned by BIGO Technology which is based in Singapore.

Download the Bigo Live app here [https://bigolive.onelink.me/sG8X/bigoliveth ].

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200518/2806539-1-a
Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200518/2806539-1-b

Source: Bigo Live

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