[PRNewswire] Golden Celebration of Arctic Culture and Natural Resources

입력 2020-09-02 09:54  

[PRNewswire] Golden Celebration of Arctic Culture and Natural Resources
Headlines Royal Canadian Mint's September Collector Coin Launch

(OTTAWA, Ontario, Sept. 1, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The Royal Canadian Mint has proudly issued a new collector coin crafted entirely of Nunavut-sourced gold. Entirely Arctic, from its design to its metal content, the reverse of the 2020 $10 Pure Gold Coin - An Inuk and a Qulliq, is the creation of Nunavut artist Ulaayu Pilurtuut. Motifs of a traditional qulliq, an Inuit oil lamp that provides light and warmth, as well as inuksuit, symbolizing community and guidance, are powerful symbols of the artist's culture and way of life. This beautifully crafted 1/20th oz. pure gold coin, along with several other numismatic keepsakes, launched today.

Another pure gold creation is the newest instalment in the 1/10th oz. pure gold coin series marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of legendary Canadian painter Alex Colville. The 25-cent illustration of a lynx appears on the third release from this six-coin series, which reinterprets each of the 1967 circulation coins designs he created in honour of Canada's centennial.

Other fine collectibles released this month include:

- The 2020 Special Edition Silver Dollar Proof Set 75th Anniversary of V-E Day, featuring a special proof silver dollar honouring the Royal Canadian Navy;
- The $30 Fine Silver Coin - S.S. Keewatin, featuring artist Matt Conacher's bow and stern illustrations of the historic Great Lakes steamship
- The 2020 $25 Fine Silver Coin and 2020 $250 Pure Gold Coin- Proud Bald Eagle, featuring the work of artist Neil Hamelin in extraordinarily high relief;
- The 2020 $50 Fine Silver Coin - The Hummingbird and the Bloom, designed by Eric Boyer and featuring an interactive innovation emulating a hummingbird flying around a flower; and
- The 2020 $250 Fine Silver Coin - Reimagined 1905 Arms of Dominion of Canada, a one-kilogram silver celebration of heraldic art.

Due to the pandemic-related modification of operations, the 2021 Fine Silver Maple Leaf Fractional Set - Our Arboreal Emblem: The Maple Tree will be available on October 6, 2020.

Mintages, pricing and full background information on each product can be found on the "Shop" tab of www.mint.ca. Coin images are available here [https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9esbs4v76qvwlyj/AABR18SpS7k3eWdZvsEwyh8Na?dl=0 ].

These products can be ordered directly from the Mint at 1-800-267-1871 in Canada,
1-800-268-6468 in the US, or on the Mint's web site. They are also available at the Mint's Winnipeg boutique.

About the Royal Canadian Mint
The Royal Canadian Mint is the Crown corporation responsible for the minting and distribution of Canada's circulation coins. The Mint is one of the largest and most versatile mints in the world, offering a wide range of specialized, high quality coinage products and related services on an international scale. For more information on the Mint, its products and services, visit www.mint.ca. Follow the Mint on Twitter [https://twitter.com/CanadianMint ], Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/CanadianMint/ ] and Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/canadianmint/ ].

Contact: Alex Reeves, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Tel: (613) 884-6370, reeves@mint.ca

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1247170/Royal_Canadian_Mint_Golden_Celebration_of_Arctic_Culture_and_Nat.jpg
The Royal Canadian Mint's pure Nunavut gold coin (An Inuq and a Quliq)

Source: Royal Canadian Mint (RCM)

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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