[PRNewswire] Market.space Announces Partnership with Web Shield to Secure the

입력 2018-03-27 11:31  

[PRNewswire] Market.space Announces Partnership with Web Shield to Secure the
Decentralized Cloud

-- Web Shield will provide cybersecurity and risk management services to Market.space

(LONDON, March 27, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Market.space [https://market.space/en/ ], the decentralized data storage platform, today announced a partnership with Web Shield, the leading KYC due diligence service, to ensure cybersecurity and efficiently manage risks. Aiming to disrupt the $411b public cloud services market, Market.space expects a multi-million user base around the world.

Founder and CEO of Market.space Alexander Rakhmanov said, "Customer data protection is at the heart of the cloud hosting industry, and has remained a strategic priority since the inception of our company and throughout the course of development. We are delighted to partner with Web Shield to safeguard the network infrastructure against data breaches, online fraud and cybercrime, and this partnership is instrumental in our commitment to deliver the most secure and transparent hosting marketplace possible."

Founded by the CEO of Rapidgator, one of the largest hosting providers in the world, Market.space connects cloud hosting services directly with consumers with an aim to become a mass market player, and in turn, offer the cheapest cloud infrastructure deals on the web. The Market.space team has 5 years of operating experience in the cloud hosting space, together with years of combined expertise in blockchain-based development.

The implementation of Web Shield's visionary risk intelligence technology and end-to-end customer due diligence services to the platform will enhance its capabilities and secure the decentralized infrastructure.

For more information, visit http://market.space/

About Market.space
Market.space is a next-generation cloud hosting company that offers the state-of-the-art solution for professionals and consumers - the decentralized data storage platform that enables its users to securely transact with hosting providers at lower prices. By design, the platform is a zero knowledge marketplace deprived of the ability to influence pricing and buying decisions.

About Web Shield
Web Shield is a proven global leader in information security, KYC due diligence services, risk management and threat prevention. Since it was founded in 2010, the company has impacted the industry and joined established information security associations and committees, culminating in becoming MasterCard Merchant Monitoring Service Provider in July 2015.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180324/2087776-1-a
Founder and CEO of Market.space Alexander Rakhmanov

Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20180326/2087776-1LOGO

Source: Market.space

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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