[PRNewswire] Haier to Unveil 7-Brand Smart Home Solution for Global Users to

입력 2019-03-11 17:51  

[PRNewswire] Haier to Unveil 7-Brand Smart Home Solution for Global Users to
Customize Their Smart Life

(SHANGHAI, March 11, 2019 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) The world's No. 1 home appliance brand Haier Home Appliance, hereinafter referred to as "Haier", is going to unveil its multi-brand Smart Home Solution dedicated to enhancing the convenience of smart living at the 2019 Appliances & Electronics World Expo (AWE 2019) in Shanghai, China.

With a dynamic portfolio of global brands, Haier has coordinated the development of its 7 brands to deliver a Smart Home Solution that fully covers four core home living scenarios, namely smart bedroom, smart bathroom, smart living room, and smart kitchen. In global scale, the Haier, Casarte, Leader, GE Appliances, Fisher & Paykel, AQUA, and Candy each cater to a different consumer segment and lifestyle.

"Over the past 34 years, Haier has transformed from a major home appliance brand, with a record 10 consecutive years of world-leading sales, to a forward-looking smart home ecosystem brand," said Wang Ye, Vice President and General Manager of Smart Home of Haier Home Appliance Industry Group. "As the global home appliance industry enters the smart home era, Haier is there and ready to accompany customers around the world as they explore the newfound possibilities of smart homes."

Haier's Smart Home Solution, which will be showcased at N5 Hall, showcases the following achievements in smart home technology:

- The industry's first full smart home set: Covering four core spaces and seven room solutions, Haier's groundbreaking Smart Home Solution is made possible by the many smart home products of its seven brands, which can be used in conjunction by global users to satisfy their food, clothing, living, and entertainment needs.
- A leader in customization: While many industry players focus on standard models, Haier is delivering consumers the possibility to customize both products and solutions, as well as realize intelligentization and upgrades according to their actual habits and needs, at any time.
- A smart and seamless lifestyle: More than just hardware, Haier delivers an Internet-enabled lifestyle. In terms of clothes washing, Haier not only provides washing machines but can fully manage washing, protection, storage, clothes pairing, and purchase thanks to a smart clothing management platform that oversees the entire life cycle of clothing. Meanwhile, Haier's food ecosystem merges more than 200 resources across 7 categories including food, entertainment, farms, and nutritionists, allowing it to fully manage purchase, storage, cooking, cleaning, and health for families everywhere.
- A new level of intelligence and intercommunication: While the industry is full of voice control and passive activation devices, few can be interconnected. Haier not only offers active devices, but they can be interconnected and intercommunicate. At AWE 2019, products include a smart speaker that uses one word to control all smart home devices and an air conditioner that can sense and determine the environment to adjust the temperature accordingly.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190311/2399050-1
Haier to Unveil 7-Brand Smart Home Solution for Global Users to Customize Their Smart Life at AWE 2019.

Source: Haier Home Appliances

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