[PRNewswire] Chinese Immotor Battery Exchange Business Greatly Increases Due

입력 2020-03-24 11:27  

[PRNewswire] Chinese Immotor Battery Exchange Business Greatly Increases Due
to Surge in Demand for Last Mile Delivery

(SHENZHEN, China, March 24, 2020 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Amid the rapid growth of the last mile delivery demand in the same city due to changing consumption habits, Immotor, a green energy mobility network for electric two-wheeler vehicles, has seen its battery exchange business increase by as much as 100% over the same period of the previous year.

Compared with the same period of 2019, Immotor battery exchange orders increased by more than 100% in January-February of 2020. During the most severe stage of the epidemic from January 23 to February 14, the daily average order amount of battery exchange was at 1.5 times as the same period of last year. After February 15, the daily average amount of battery exchange keeps a steady growth, and the daily amount of battery exchange reached 400,000.

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, China and South Korea have become the two most timely and effective countries in the world to respond to the epidemic. However, the epidemic still has a huge impact on the world economy.

Part of new industries keep growing in the epidemic, new business model shows its advantages

Risks coexist with opportunities in the epidemic. As the demand for fresh food delivery and customized delivery keeps surging, the last mile delivery industry is rising hugely. According to the Meituan Research Institute, 336,000 new delivery riders were registered in the Meituan platform within just one month during the epidemic period. In South Korea, the number of registered delivery riders has reached 2,000,000 and is growing rapidly. The last mile delivery became the core channel for city commercial operations during the epidemic.

Battery exchange business is a new model in the modern infrastructure field, which supports the last mile delivery industry for higher speed.

Shenzhen Immotor Technology Co., Ltd. jointly invested by Hyundai Group, Samsung Group and Mirae Asset Group, is the leader of the green energy mobility network for electric two-wheeler vehicles. Established in 2015, it released the Immotor brand and launched the green energy intelligent mobility network platform in December 2017. The Immotor platform helps drivers upgrade their electric vehicles intelligently, guarantees the energy security of vehicles' battery, conducts centralized management for their electric vehicles, and ensures the the unlimited range for the drivers by the exchange model. After the outbreak of the epidemic, the rapid growth of the last mile delivery demand in the same city has positively stimulated the battery exchange business for the drivers' electric vehicles. With the advantages of unattended and non-contact operation, Immotor guarantees the safe energy supply for the last mile delivery and short-distance logistics industry.

The green energy is clean and battery exchange business keeps rising

Immotor battery exchange business model is more mature and complete, which has the characteristics of high automation, intelligence, high risk resistance, unattended and non contract requirements.

Web: https://www.ehuandian.net

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200323/2757831-1

Source: Immotor

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<저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>


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