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[일지] 대우조선 추가지원…사채권자 집회까지 2017-04-18 15:20:05
대규모 유동성 지원 방안 발표 이후부터 현재까지 주요 사건들을 정리한 것이다. ▲ 2015. 10. 29 = 산업은행, 4조2천억원 규모 지원 대우조선 정상화 방안 발표 ▲ 2016. 6. 09 = 정부, 조선 3사 10조3000억원 규모 자구계획 방안 등 구조조정 확정 ▲ 2016. 7. 18 = 검찰, 남상태 전 대우조선해양 사장 횡령 혐의로 구속...
[김상훈 변호사의 바른 상속 재테크] (11) 상속결격자가 아버지로부터 받은 재산도 특별수익에 해당할까? 2017-04-18 13:14:08
<대법원 2015. 7. 17. 선고 2014스206 결정>1. 사실관계피상속인 a는 2010. 10. 11. 사망하였는데, 그 자녀들 중 c는 2003년경 누나인 b를 살해하려다 미수에 그쳐 상속결격자가 되었다. c에게는 아내 d와 자녀들인 e, f가 있었다. a는 2010. 7. 27. 원주시 소재 토지 등을 아들인 c와 손자인 e에게 각 증여하였다. c는...
환경부, 유독물질 'PHMG' 불법 유통업체 33곳 공개 2017-04-17 11:10:14
│ │ │변경 무허가 유독물질 제 │2014.10.31~2015.│15,250│ │ │ │조 │07.31 │ │ ├───┼───────┼────────────┼────────┼───┤ │14│동인텍스켐│무등록 유독물 판매 │2013.03.08~2014.│ 340│ │ │차장 박상근 ││12.12 │ │ │ │...
[PRNewswire] Elliott Sends Letter and Presentation to the Directors ...(1/2) 2017-04-10 15:11:50
May 2015. However, in isolation, we believe that the South32 demerger has actually magnified the inefficiencies of BHP's DLC structure by further decreasing the proportion of BHP's EBITDA which is generated by PLC. In our view, most of BHP's underperformance in terms of total shareholder...
[PRNewswire] Australia Plays Host to The World's 50 Best Restaurants 2017 2017-04-06 17:28:10
on the list; and Dan Hunter's Brae in regional Victoria entering the top 50 at #44, after first appearing on the broader top 100 list in 2015. Peter Gilmore's Quay features at #95 on the 51-100 list announced last week. Tourism Australia Managing Director John O'Sullivan said: "It's...
[PRNewswire] 파괴적 추세와 기술, 세계 에너지 최우선 아젠다로 부상 2017-04-06 17:04:38
a rate of 17.2% in 2015. In its eighth year, The World Energy Issues Monitor 2017: 'Exposing the new energy realities' published by the World Energy Council, provides a snapshot of the current priorities, facing global energy leaders. Dr Christoph Frei, Secretary General of the Council said:...
[PRNewswire] ITM Power, 3MW 전해조 시스템 설치하는 350만 파운드 규모 계약 체결 2017-04-04 14:01:10
October 2015. The Company currently has £21.79m of revenue under contract and £2.86m in the final stages of negotiation, making a total pipeline of £24.65m (subject to exchange rate variation). http://www.itm-power.com For further information please visit http://www.itm-power.com or contact: ITM...
[PRNewswire] Sasol Receives Best Corporate Taxpayer Award in Mozambique for 2017-03-31 09:23:50
Chairperson Amelia Nakhare. This is the second year that SPT has been presented with the award, having received the same award in 2015. At the event, the Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Company (ROMPCO) received first place in the IRPC (corporate income tax) payable on profit category, ROMPCO is a...
[PRNewswire] 온타리오 교직원 연금계획, 4년 연속 완전적립 2017-03-30 09:32:45
2015. Since its inception in 1990, Ontario Teachers' has achieved an average, annualized return of 10.1%. The five and ten year returns are 10.5% and 7.3% respectively. Total investment income since 1990 has accounted for more than three-quarters of the funding of members' pensions, with the...
[PRNewswire] Strategic Partnership between Galaxy Entertainment Group and 2017-03-29 16:03:10
in July 2015. On the occasion of a meeting in presence of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, Dr. Lui Che Woo, Mr. Francis Lui and Mr. Michael Mecca, respectively Chairman, Vice Chairman and President of GEG, Prince Albert II reiterated His full support for the objectives of the Strategic Partnership...