지난 주요뉴스 한국경제TV에서 선정한 지난 주요뉴스 뉴스썸 한국경제TV 웹사이트에서 접속자들이 많이 본 뉴스 한국경제TV 기사만 onoff
[PRNewswire] Herta, 2018 ALAS 수상자로 선정 2018-08-03 09:15:38
and the Caribbean during 2017. In this year's edition there were 49 projects participating in different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Chile, Panama, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Spain. The jury, made...
'결핵 후진국' 불명예 벗는다…노인·외국인 검진 2018-08-01 12:00:12
* 자료원 : WHO. Global Tuberculosis Report(GTR) 2017. * WHO 통계는 우리나라가 보고한 결핵 신환자수에 재발한 환자수를 더하고, 신고율을 감안하여 WHO가 추계하여 세계결핵발생현황보고서(Global Tuberculosis Report)를 통해 발표하는 수치임 shg@yna.co.kr (끝) <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스, 무단 전재-재배포 금지>
상반기 유통업 매출 7.4%↑…온·오프라인 모두 늘어 2018-07-30 11:00:09
│ 구분 │ 2017.上 │ 2018.上 │ │ ├──────┬──────┼──────┬──────┤ │ │ 매출비중 │ 매출증감률 │ 매출비중 │ 매출증감률 │ ├─────────┼──────┼──────┼──────┼──────┤ │ 대형마트 │ 23.3%│0.0%│ 22.1%│ △1.8%│...
[PRNewswire] Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Achieves Record First-Half Sales of 2018-07-28 10:47:04
in 2017. The plan also involves deepening convergence between the member companies, including the use of common platforms and powertrains, while sharing innovation in electrification, connectivity and autonomous drive technologies. Vehicles sold by the Alliance member companies accounted for...
[PRNewswire] 브라데스코은행 2018년 2분기 실적 2018-07-27 09:48:29
slight increase of 0.5% compared to the first half of 2017. 10. Assets under Management totaled R$2.014 trillion, an increase of 5% compared to June 2017. 11. Shareholders' Equity, in June 2018, totaled R$113.039 billion, a growth of 5.8% compared to June 2017. Complete Financial Statements a...
[PRNewswire] Herbalife Nutrition Appoints First Malaysian Nutrition Scientist 2018-07-25 13:03:39
York Stock Exchange (NYSE: HLF) with net sales of approximately US$4.4 billion in 2017. To learn more, visit Herbalife.com or IAmHerbalife.com. Media Enquiries: Daliea Mohamad-Liauw VP, Corporate Communications, Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific DID: +852-3589-2643 Email: dalieal@herbalife.com Photo...
[PRNewswire] Suning.com listed on 2018 Fortune Global 500 with profit growth 2018-07-24 16:58:59
on the list since 2017. Meanwhile, Suning.com ranked Top 3 regarding profit growth among Chinese companies with a profit increase of 487.8%. Fortune Global 500 is the most famous and authoritative list to evaluate world's largest companies. Since 2008, the number of listed companies in China has...
[PRNewswire] Jabbar, 신생 핀테크 업체 Kambio Ventures 설립 발표 2018-07-24 09:16:46
in 2017. Today, Jabbar's portfolio companies remain diversified in mainly early stage start-ups across the Middle East, UK, USA and India. About Kambio's Management Team Kambio Venture's core management team has over 75 years of venture capital, asset management and technology combined...
졸업장 받고 공사장으로…'단순노무' 청년 25만명 넘어 2018-07-23 06:15:02
│2017. 05 │3,286 │226 │6.9 │ ├─────────┼─────────┼────────┼────────┤ │2016. 05 │3,238 │220 │6.8 │ ├─────────┼─────────┼────────┼────────┤ │2015. 05 │3,139 │201 │6.4 │...
"꼼짝없이 몰릴 듯" 이재명, `그것이 알고싶다` 앞두고 장문의 반박글 [전문] 2018-07-21 19:24:57
허드렛일을 시키다(행정실장 아니라고 함) 2017. 2. 23. 그의 소개로 성남시 청소년재단 소속 수정청소년수련관과 ‘청소년 건강관리지원’ 협약. 1) 이 협약은 병원측이 비용과 시간을 내 사회공헌을 하는 내용으로 청소년수련관 이용청소년들만 혜택을 받으므로, 이로 인해 이O호나 병원이 이익을 얻은 게 없다는 점, 2)...