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[PRNewswire] Rolet Joins CQS as CEO 2018-12-21 21:00:00
was Chief Executive Office of the London Stock Exchange from May 2009 until November 2017, having been appointed to the Company's Board in March 2009. He was Chief Executive Officer of Lehman Brothers in France from July 2007 to 7 January 2009. He became a member of Lehman Brothers' European...
[문기주 변호사의 바른 노동법률 이해] (3) 사장의 인사권…한계는 어디일까 2018-11-23 11:42:53
있다(대법원 2009. 4. 23. 선고 2007두20157 판결 등).즉, 사용자의 인사권 행사는 한정된 인재를 적재적소에 배치하여 기업의 역량을 극대화하는데 있지만, 이로 인해 근로자로 하여금 수인할 수 없는 생활상의 불이익을 받도록 해서는 아니 되므로, 전직 등의 배치전환이 근로기준법 위반이나 권리남용에 해당하는지...
[PRNewswire] 새로운 아동 패션 브랜드 셀린누누누 론칭 2018-11-14 10:35:12
two distinct worlds will break stereotypes together. The forerunner global children's fashion brand NUNUNU was founded in 2009. Completely by intuition, Adler and Milchberg created an alternative to children's fashion, with a brand that broke stereotypes and dodged cliches. Their need for a...
美사회 또 몸서리치게 한 '무차별 총격'…끝없이 반복되는 참극 2018-11-09 02:52:19
▲ 2009. 11. 5 텍사스주 포트후드 군사기지 = 텍사스 주 포트후드 군사기지에서 군의관 니달 하산 소령이 총기를 난사해 장병 13명이 숨지고 42명이 다쳤다. 하산은 경찰에 붙잡혔다. ▲ 2009. 4. 3 뉴욕 이민자 서비스센터 = 뉴욕주 빙엄턴의 이민자 서비스 센터에서 베트남계 이민자 지벌리 윙이 총기를 난사해 13명이...
[PRNewswire] Grunenthal Agrees US$ 922 m Deal With AstraZeneca for Nexium and 2018-10-30 18:17:04
Am J Gastroenterol, 2009. 104(3): p. 728-38. 3. Angiolillo, D.J., et al., Impact of concomitant low-dose aspirin on the safety and tolerability of naproxen and esomeprazole magnesium delayed-release tablets in patients requiring chronic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy: an analysis from 5...
[PRNewswire] 마스, 코코아에 대해 새롭고 지속 가능한 전략 시작 2018-09-20 09:53:51
a step change from the initial commitment Mars made in 2009. While this new approach is implemented, Mars will maintain its current certified cocoa levels with the Rainforest Alliance and with Fairtrade and work with both organizations as they continue to strengthen implementation to raise the bar...
[PRNewswire] George Zhao discusses the three levels of 5G contributors at INS 2018-09-12 11:21:31
technology since 2009. While other brands were still competing for market share and attention of consumers, Huawei took the initiative in bettering their intelligent terminals, telecommunication network and cloud computing, while Honor also become one of the first to lead the trend. This year, Honor...
[PRNewswire] Vitaly Saveliev, 아에로플로트 CEO로 재선출 2018-08-30 20:09:03
April 2009. At that time, the Company was considered a regional carrier by global standards with passenger traffic of 8.6 million (11.1 million including subsidiaries). Aeroflot together with its subsidiaries ranked 68th internationally. In 2010 President Vladimir Putin tasked Vitaly Saveliev with...
[김상훈 변호사의 바른 상속 재테크] (37) 유류분반환청구권은 재판 외에서도 행사할 수 있을까? 2018-08-27 11:36:46
하겠다는 취지의 주장을 하였다. 한편 원고는 2009. 1. 8.자 준비서면을 통하여 위 증여가 망인 및 d가 유류분권리자인 원고에게 손해를 가할 것을 알고 체결된 것이라고 주장하였다.원심은, 이 사건 증여는 유효하며, 원고는 망인의 사망 당시 위 증여가 유류분권자에게 반환하여야 할 것임을 알았다고 봄이 상당한데,...
[PRNewswire] Tullamore D.E.W. 아이리시 위스키, 세계주류품평회에서 수상 2018-08-08 17:12:19
Irish whiskey since 2009. Now in its 49th year, the annual IWSC was created by wine chemist Anton Massel, who, in 1969, had the idea of creating a wine and spirit competition which was based not just on organoleptic judgement but where all entries also had to undergo chemical analysis. John Quinn,...