지난 주요뉴스 한국경제TV에서 선정한 지난 주요뉴스 뉴스썸 한국경제TV 웹사이트에서 접속자들이 많이 본 뉴스 한국경제TV 기사만 onoff
[PRNewswire] 메이블린뉴욕, 조세핀 스크라이버를 전 세계 광고 모델로 발표 2018-04-23 09:25:15
in her first Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, and has graced the runway in the annual show ever since. She was given the coveted title of Victoria's Secret Angel in 2016. "We are beyond thrilled to have Josephine as part of our Maybelline family," said Leonardo Chavez, Global Brand President,...
[PRNewswire] AACSB인터내셔널, 앞서가는 비즈니스스쿨 30곳 선정 2018-04-18 11:14:35
cross-disciplinary opportunities for students to hone their leadership skills. In New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington's Victoria Business School takes students on a virtual fieldtrip to Fiji to learn about sustainable development while confronting the realities that emerge when a...
[PRNewswire] Get Caught Up in Rugby Fever as Hong Kong Gears Up for the Sevens 2018-04-03 18:49:24
in Victoria Harbour Video - https://cdn4.prnasia.com/002071/mnr/201804/hktb/60s.mp4 Watch this larger-than-life inflatable rugby ball come to life in Victoria Harbour for the Hong Kong Sevens. Source: Hong Kong Tourism Board [편집자 주] 본고는 자료 제공사에서 제공한 것으로, 연합뉴스는 내용에 대해...
[PRNewswire] Bruce Rittmann과 Mark van Loosdrecht, 스톡홀름 워터 프라이즈 수상 2018-03-22 21:16:48
of providing clean and safe water for humans, industry, and ecosystems," says SIWI's Executive Director Torgny Holmgren. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden will present the prize to Professors Rittmann and van Loosdrecht on behalf of H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Patron of Stockholm Water...
[PRNewswire] Forbes Travel Guide Announces 2018 Star Rating Awards 2018-02-21 09:21:07
* Disney gets its first Five-Star restaurant. Victoria & Albert's makes fine dining an attraction in Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando. - Where the Spa Stars Shine Brightly * In the U.S., the greatest number of Five-Star spas is in: California (9), Florida (5) and Nevada (5). California's...
[PRNewswire] 포브스 트래블 가이드, 2018 Star Ratings 수상자 발표 2018-02-21 09:20:48
* 디즈니는 처음으로 5성 레스토랑 등급을 획득했다. Victoria & Albert's는 고급 다이닝으로 올랜도에 있는 디즈니 월드 리조트의 명소로 부상했다. - 스파가 밝게 빛나는 지역 * 미국에서 5성 스파가 가장 많은 지역은 캘리포니아(9), 플로리다(5) 및 네바다(5)다. 캘리포니아에서는 샌디에이고에 있는 The Spa at...
[PRNewswire] e-Chat, ICO 후 이더리움 하드포크 시행 계획 2018-02-15 10:40:10
구독자 수가 600만 명에 달하는 여행 블로거), Victoria Lopyreva(FIFA WC 2018 대사) 등과 같은 유명 블로거 사이에서 인기를 얻고 있음을 시사한다. 현재 e-Chat은 이 프로젝트의 추가적인 발전을 결정하고자 투자자 투표를 개시한 상태다. 모든 세부 사항은 공식 웹사이트 https://investors.echat.io/?utm_source=krn...
[PRNewswire] 샌포드헬스, 7개 국가의 사업 확대를 통해 세계 사업 확장 2018-01-24 10:58:20
Vietnam: Sanford World Clinic is collaborating with Victoria Healthcare to support enhanced clinical and health care management education programs for Victoria physicians, nurses and administrative staff. - South Africa: Sanford World Clinic is supporting the ongoing development of clinical research...
[PRNewswire] InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong Recorded Repeated Wins 2017-12-13 18:09:59
Stanford Hong Kong provides easy accessibility within the city and entry into China. Boasting 572 guestrooms that offer spectacular city or stunning Victoria Harbour views, the hotel provides four world-class dining venues, from famed Cantonese cuisine at Hoi King Heen, passionately-prepared Italian...
[PRNewswire] Anton Bakov, 100년간의 공백 후 로마노프 왕조의 국가 복원 선언 2017-12-10 11:35:26
Third, a great-great-great grandson of Alexander II and Queen Victoria, great-grandson of Kirill I. The conceptualization of the artificial islands and the government talks with The Gambia took over 6 years and cost the Bakov family more than 6 million USD. Along with the head of the Bakov family,...