지난 주요뉴스 한국경제TV에서 선정한 지난 주요뉴스 뉴스썸 한국경제TV 웹사이트에서 접속자들이 많이 본 뉴스 한국경제TV 기사만 onoff
행텐, 60주년 기념 그린 캠페인 전개 2020-07-07 14:56:46
“60th with green”을 내세우며 2025년까지 지속가능 패션을 위한 친환경 캠페인을 선보일 예정이다. 행텐은 앞으로 전개될 그린 캠페인에 대한 고객 참여를 유도하기 위한 이벤트를 준비했다. 행텐이 준비한 #그린에한발짝 이벤트는 7월 6일부터 8월 31일까지 매장 곳곳에 비치된 캠페인 이미지를 찍거나 행텐 공식...
행텐, 60주년 맞이 “60th with green” 친환경 캠페인 펼쳐 2020-07-07 11:11:00
60th with green”을 슬로건으로 친환경 캠페인을 펼친다. 전 세계적으로 가치 소비와 미닝 아웃이 하나의 트랜드로 자리 잡으며 ‘친환경 패션’이 선택이 아닌 필수로 떠오른 가운데 60주년을 맞은 행텐은 자연과의 동행이라는 의미의 슬로건 “60th with green”을 내세우며 2025년까지 지속 가능한 패션을 위한 친환경...
[PRNewswire] Neiman Marcus Unveils The 93rd Edition Of The Iconic Christmas 2019-10-18 03:26:17
Book are the legendary Neiman Marcus Fantasy Gifts [https://www.neimanmarcus.com/c/-gifts-fantasy-gifts-cat48140738 ], which celebrate their 60th anniversary and were unveiled last night at an event in Neiman Marcus at Hudson Yards. "The Neiman Marcus Christmas Book and our Fantasy Gifts are a...
[PRNewswire] LAY's new song dedicated to Michael Jackson reaches Golden 2019-04-09 17:13:19
To mark the 60th anniversary of Michael Jackson's birth, the newest song Let's Shut Up & Dance, a collaboration among singer and dancer Lay Zhang, international musician Jason Derulo and Korean band NCT127, debuted on KUGOU on March 17, 2019. Lay chose the popular rap song as a tribute to...
[PRNewswire] Chairwoman of the Vietnamese National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim 2019-04-04 10:27:25
is also the 60th aircraft of its kind that Vietjet has received directly from Airbus, among a fleet of almost 80 aircraft that the airline is operating. The new aircraft will immediately join fleet operations in April 2019. Speaking on the occasion of this special event, Mr.Dinh Viet Phuong, Vice...
[PRNewswire] Global Artists Gather for Fifth Silk Road International Film 2018-10-16 09:42:13
the 60th anniversary of the "birthplace of Chinese New Film", the Xi'an Film Studio. The fifth SRIFF festival, which coincides with the anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, welcomed artists and filmmakers from around the world to participate in exchanges and search for opportunities to...
[PRNewswire] Menarini Ricerche, 제60회 연례 SIC 회의에서 임상 데이터 발표 2018-09-19 09:14:57
60th Annual SIC Meeting ROME, September 19, 2018/PRNewswire/ -- Menarini Ricerche will present tomorrow, September 20th, at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society (SIC), new preclinical data showing that pre-treatment with 5-Azacytidine and Decitabine enhances the Antibody-dependent...
[PRNewswire] 로열캐나디언민트, 캐나다군 역사상 최고의 순간들 기념 2018-08-08 10:19:44
Parliament Building 1927 Confederation. Faithfully replicating the bright carmine commemorative postage stamp issued in celebration of Canada's 60th anniversary, this coin features serrated edges that mimic perforations. Another unique collectible is the ovoid-shaped 2018 $20 Fine Silver Coin -...
[PRNewswire] 영국 조폐국, 친절한 페루 곰 Paddington™ 등장하는 기념주화 발행 2018-06-28 16:21:27
Peruvian Bear LONDON, June 28, 2018/PRNewswire/ -- The Royal Mint has revealed two new commemorative coins to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Paddington Bear's first adventure in A Bear Called Paddington. (Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/712014/The_Royal_Mint_Paddington_Bear.jpg )...
[PRNewswire] Forbes Travel Guide Announces 2018 Star Rating Awards 2018-02-21 09:21:07
it celebrates its landmark 60th anniversary, Forbes Travel Guide today unveiled its 60th list of worldwide Star Rating winners, continuing its exceedingly selective approach for recognizing the world's finest properties and rewarding gracious, intuitive service. The 2018 award winners include 27...