지난 주요뉴스 한국경제TV에서 선정한 지난 주요뉴스 뉴스썸 한국경제TV 웹사이트에서 접속자들이 많이 본 뉴스 한국경제TV 기사만 onoff
선익시스템, 75억 규모 디스플레이 연구용 증착장비 수주[주목 e공시] 2023-05-16 15:50:45
16일 공시했다. 계약 상대는 중국의 디스플레이 소재 업체 산시 라이트 옵토일렉트로닉스 머티리얼(Shaanxi Lighte Optoelectronics Material Co.,Ltd)이다. 계약금액은 74억9168만원으로 지난해 연결 기준 매출액의 10.12%에 해당한다. 계약기간은 12월 16일까지다. 진영기 한경닷컴 기자 young71@hankyung.com
[PRNewswire] Time Out reveals the world's 40 coolest neighbourhoods right now 2020-10-06 16:22:10
7. Shaanxi Bei Lu/Kangding Lu, Shanghai 8. Dennistoun, Glasgow 9. Haut-Marais, Paris 10. Marrickville, Sydney 11. Verdun, Montreal 12. Kalamaja, Tallinn 13. Hannam-dong, Seoul 14. Bonfim, Porto 15. Ghosttown, Oakland 16. Chula-Samyan, Bangkok 17. Alvalade, Lisbon 18. Noord, Amsterdam 19. Centro, Sao...
[PRNewswire] LONGi wins first order to supply 103 MW of Hi-MO 5 modules for 2020-09-23 17:06:10
Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province. With the construction of an additional factory in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, the production capacity of Hi-MO 5 modules will reach 12GW this year. Photovoltaic products with higher power and value have gradually become the trend and focus of the industry as we...
[AsiaNet] 제15회 위린 국제석탄·고급에너지화학산업박람회, 중국 위린 개최 2020-09-12 17:29:16
International Trade) 산시성 소위원회(Shaanxi Sub-council)가 공동 조직했다. 올해 박람회에는 중국 및 해외 유명 기업을 포함해 400개가 넘는 전시업체가 참여했다. 이들은 스마트 디지털화, 스마트 제조, 변혁과 개선 및 깨끗하고 효율적인 에너지 이용 같은 다양한 첨단 개념에 관한 전시를 선보였다. 올해 박람회는...
[AsiaNet] The 15th Yulin International Coal and High-end Energy Chemical 2020-09-11 21:08:49
of Shaanxi Province, China. It is rich in energy and mineral resources. In Yulin is located the Shenfu Coalfield, one of the seven largest coalfields in the world, and also the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Gas Field, the largest verified integrated gas field onshore in China. In the 1990s, Yulin began its...
[PRNewswire] LONGi achieved volume production of Hi-MO 5 series modules, 2020-09-10 13:58:21
in Xianyang City, Shaanxi was already running at full capacity in May with annual production capacity reaching 5GW. In addition, LONGi Solar's Module Factory in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang is under construction and will also bring another 5GW annual production capacity. LONGi will continue expand its...
[AsiaNet] 시안, 첨단 제조 혁신과 발전 장려하는 '시장 특별상' 제정 2020-08-11 14:03:41
기리고자 성대한 시상식을 진행했다. 수상자로 지명된 50명의 기업가와 팀은 BYD Company Ltd., Samsung (China) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Fast Auto Drive Co., Ltd. 등의 첨단 제조업체 또는 Datang Everbright City Management and Operation Team, Shaanxi Changhenge Performing Arts and Culture Co., Ltd....
[AsiaNet] Xi'an sets up the "Mayor's Special Award" to encourage innovation 2020-08-10 15:30:45
BYD Company Ltd., Samsung (China) Semiconductor Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Fast Auto Drive Co., Ltd, or cultural and tourism enterprises like Datang Everbright City Management and Operation Team, Shaanxi Changhenge Performing Arts and Culture Co., Ltd. and others. It is worth noting that, as the president...
[AsiaNet] Two hot news of Dongguan reflect the city's inclusiveness and help 2020-07-06 18:20:31
"world factory". Visitors from the world have brought many delicacies, like Shaanxi noodle and Guangxi rice noodle, Xinjiang grill and Guangdong grilled oysters, Korean barbecue and Japanese cuisine, all of which make Dongguan's diet culture more inclusive. As the spread of the epidemic is under...
[PRNewswire] Trina Solar unveils TrinaPro Mega, an ultra-high-power smart PV 2020-06-18 09:18:33
added. Image link: https://www.trinasolar.com/sites/default/files/tongchuan.jpg Image Caption: A Chinese "Top Runner" PV power project in Tongchuan, Shaanxi, utilizing 30 MW TrinaPro smart solution. About Trina Solar (688599. SH) Founded in 1997, Trina Solar is the world leading PV and smart energy...